senior scribes

Consider This
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!! A reader requested this. In the din and clamor surrounding our Presidential Election - I wondered if maybe another look at the "beginning" might afford us more clarity. On the Statue of Liberty - which used to be loving dubbed  "Our Fair Lady" signifying hope and promise - is a plaque which reads:

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The retched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door."   Emma Lazarus

Some fun facts are: 1)The Stature of Liberty is also known as Lady Liberty. 2)It was built to remember the Independence Day of America. 3)France sent it to be a symbol of friendship between them and us (the USA). France had sent troops to help us achieve our independence and "Lady Liberty" was their way of applauding our victory in style. 4)France made the statue and we made the pedestal on which she stands. 5)It took nine years to make Lady Liberty. 6)Lady Liberty is made of copper. 7)The first replica was a fourth the size of the one we now own. 8)In her left hand is a tablet with the date July 04, 1776 - the date we were freed from British rule. 9)Ronald Reagan - as President - directed the renovation of Lady Liberty 100 years after it's assembly in the USA. 10)It took 214 crates to get Lady Liberty to the USA. 11)A replica of Lady Liberty is in Paris, France (if she was not harmed in the Paris attacks this year). 12)Her actual name is "Liberty Enlightening the World."

Let number 12 sink in your thoughts for a moment.  Liberty (freedom) Enlightening (showing) the World.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses"...tired and poor are self-explanatory. Huddled masses is defined as: "to huddle together as from cold or fear, or for protection."  Masses is a large group. So - we have: a large group of people huddled together from cold or fear, for protection. "Yearning to breathe free" means: Free to make your own life - your own way (legal, of course), It means to be what you want to be - not be a butcher because your ancestors were all butchers. It means going to whatever church you want to attend and not the one in your neighborhood - or going to no church at all. "The wretched refuse of your teeming shore" is: Wretched is a very poor or unhappy state. Refuse is generally a person or persons striving to overcome a hardship (in their country....physical, mental disorder, etc). Teeming shore is:  Teeming means "abundantly filled with" in living things. A shore is the land at the edge of a body of water and can be considered farther inward than just the edge - so teeming shore could be an area abundantly filled with people striving to overcome something. "Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me" is: Tempest-tost means to be pounded by adversities. So this is people who were hit by adversity many time over and are now homeless. "I lift up my lamp beside the golden door" is: A lamp lights the way or marks an important spot. A golden door is a "gateway" into a place of promise and opportunity for all -  it's no secret - it's marked by a lamp or beacon...that beckons to those on the water and leads the way."

To put this together, the plaque on Lady Liberty is calling to: "People that are tired - that are poor - that are huddled together from fear, cold and for protection - that are striving to overcome hardships (mental or physical) from a land that is too full to support them - people who have been battered again and again and now have no home - send these to the USA - the golden door is open - look for the lamp."

In 1880 - Federal Census reports indicated that America had 50 million people. In 2015 - Federal Census reports that the state of New York had 19,795,791 people.

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!! MONA

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