senior scribes

Myth or Not?
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!! This is another one of "those" columns. I was speaking with a younger woman the other day. The conversation turned to "narcissists and sociopaths" It began when she started dating a guy who was "all that" and more...good looking...had a fancy car...good job...nice clothes.

Then she began to notice little long it took him to get ready to go anywhere.... every direction from which you looked at him had to be of his pants...shiny teeth...his shoes shiny. His eyes had to be clear...and the whites white or he was reaching for the Visine. He used the hair gel and blow-dryer like they were life-savers. She caught him practicing smiles in the bathroom mirror!

She shared with me how she looked up narcissistic behavior traits...which made me remember a story from my childhood school years.

Both Greek and Roman Mythology record a male character - Narcissus - who was known for his beauty - or in our modern day - his handsomeness - to be gender correct. Narcissus believed himself to be too good looking for the suitors - yes, men went after Narcissus - as well as the ladies. He spurned them all.

One day Narcissus was walking by a river and decided he was thirsty. As he knelt down by the water, he caught his reflection in the stillness. Wow - was he a hunk or what (my words, couldn't resist)? The story is that he caught his reflection and was surprised at his beauty and physique. He could not obtain the object of his desire (his reflection) and died by the bank of the river from his sorrow. The myth further records the river as being the River Styx...which separates the world of the living from the world of the dead.

I spoke with a woman who retired from Honeywell in Greenville. She and many others received a letter from the insurance company who handles their retirement health insurance. They will no longer have health coverage effective December 31, 2016.  The woman read the letter to me that she received from Sherrod Brown, in response to her request for his aid in the matter. In part it read:

"Thank you for your request. I and my team are currently monitoring this situation. Please feel free to acquire Affordable Health Care for yourself. Direct any further questions and/or comments to your retirement health insurance company."

When she called her retirement health insurance company, she was told that she had Affordable Health Care so...she ought probably speak with them.    Deep breath, readers.

Do the above stories have anything to do with each other? I don't know - maybe...maybe not. A little digging shows that the Australian owner of "Fram" recently bought an island. And that probably means nothing. The funds for that transaction might have been due to his being an heir to some family or friend's estate. What I do know it this:

Money and looks will not last. Cars, clothes, and possessions will not last. Is it right that the retirement health insurance has been rescinded - that is - revoked or canceled - no, not at all. I've said for many years that you can not have it all.

Dying is not a choice, but I can choose whether I do it admiring my beauty (ha-ha), chasing wealth, or happy I have a few friends, clean water and a campfire.

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!! MONA

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