senior scribes

Remember When…
Proud to be an “old codger”

Hello, everyone! My name is Kim Smith, and at nearly 67 years of age,  I proudly view myself as an “old codger”.  “Proud??”, you say. “Who in their right mind would be proud to be an `old codger??’” Well, I never have claimed that I AM in my “right mind”, but nevertheless, I AM proud. Why? Allow me to explain:

Being born in 1949, rather than 1969, 1989, or 1999, enabled me to experience life during the simpler, more easy-going times prior to the explosion of technology. Life was slower, less stressful than what it is in this wild and crazy New Millennium. All of this so-called “progress” was supposed to make our lives “easier”. Hah! It did the exact OPPOSITE. We have become a nation of people under a crushing burden of stress. Technology has enabled us to squeeze 10 goals into our days, instead of the previous, typical 5. Sure, sure, a goal is accomplished at a much faster rate, but instead of using that spare time for reading, relaxing, or just plain LIVING, we pressure ourselves into pursuing one more goal, and then another and then…. you can fill in the blank… until we end our days totally exhausted and wondering if and when it will ever end.

Well, this insanity hadn’t even begun when I entered Planet Earth. Technology was in its infancy, so I got to experience the BEST parts of living while growing up, experiences that still have a dramatic and positive influence on my Life, as I now experience it. One of those positive results is the privilege I have been offered to share with you, Dear Reader, what Life was like in the “Good Old Days”. I will begin this sharing in the next column of, “I Remember When…”

Blessings to all of you!

Kim Smith is a published author and illustrator. Find out more about her and her accomplishments at her Facebook page here

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