Darke County Senior Scribe
Flag Day
By Lois Wilson
Once again Senior Scribe Poet Laureate Lois Wilson is on top of the
season with her insightful look at the important events of the day.
This time it’s Flag Day. “On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress
adopted the first official national flag,” she says. “Both only
children, my husband and I met at a square dance at the Dayton YMCA. We
were married on June 14, 1952, so this year is our 64th wedding
anniversary. We are always thrilled to see the American flags flying on
our special day.”
Wilson's completed set - five volumes - of published poetry is now
available and is offered as a fundraiser for the Senior Scribes
Scholarship Fund. Enjoy great poetry and help a local youngster attend
college. For additional information, contact
This day we honor the Stars and Stripes
That led the brave forth with drums and pipes.
Stand! Salute! Hold it close in your heart.
Remember those called who do their part.
Their sacrifice keeps us safe and free;
Our banner still waves for all to see:
Constant and true,
Red, white, and blue,
The symbol of our nation's story,
Our revered flag, our grand Old Glory.
© 2008 Lois E.
One man, one woman—at first the two—
They have two sons; their story’s not through.
With sons and wives, the family’s now six.
Then five grandchildren count in the mix.
In time, five spouses come on the scene.
Eleven has climbed to sweet sixteen.
Add great grandchildren, but no one knows
Where numbers peak as this family grows.
© 2015 Lois E.