Veteran's Day!!
By Mona Lease
Hi, all! Well readers - again, it's that time of year. I take this time
- Veteran's Day - to say: "Thanks to all of our past Vets who've
served. Thanks to all of our current-serving military personnel -
stateside and abroad. Thanks to the families of those who made the
ultimate sacrifice. We can't do this thing we call life without all of
you. And I could not write these columns - I would not have the benefit
of "freedom of speech and press." Lastly - thanks to all of you
readers. It takes all of you sharing your thoughts, visions, and dreams
with me to make this column a place of hope and help." Now, with all of
the above information - read on at your own risk.
I have a Grandfather who was in WW1. His diary still exists to this
day. It will be 100 years old next year - 2017. It is written in pencil
and still legible. It has been written into a book - "Out of the
Trenches" and can be bought online. I only added the book to prove the
validity of my words...should you desire to check. And, as always -
check. Don't just take my word for it.
In my Grandfather's diary (WW1), he speaks of walking through France in
the rain - with his shoes, socks, and coat, etc. wet. He speaks of
breaking camp one night because his unit had no food. He had seen a
field of turnips a mile behind them. He went to get some. He speaks of
a French family inviting his unit to dinner...they actually got to
bathe and put on clean dinner clothes. They "had their legs under a
dinner table." He speaks of jumping into a ditch because "the Germans
were coming." He speaks of getting his gas mask on "just in time" when
they were gassed by enemy personnel. He speaks of hoping to be a
"souvenir" himself and make it home alive and healthy to US soil when
others were collecting pieces of a wrecked plane. The wreckage was
Quentin Roosevelt's plane - a reported Nieuport Fighter. Quentin was
the son of Theodore Roosevelt - US President. He speaks of the boys
"feeding the fishes" on the ship that took them to France from the USA.
I'll let you figure out the "feeding the fishes" part.
As I pen this - November 8th, 2016 - it's Election Day. I've heard
Hillary's views on abortion...late-term and all else. She's dodged
answering questions. I've heard Trump degrade women. I've heard Trump
say he wants to build a wall between Mexico and the USA...then he
apologized to Mexico. I've heard Hillary say she believes that by
relieving us of our guns - our reported "violence problems" will be
none. I've heard that everyone should be made to carry healthcare
insurance...and round it goes. And it goes through my mind:
"If I could speak with my Grandfather - (I never knew him. He died 22
years before I was born.) what would he have to say??? Would he say he
was drafted - and answered said draft - so we could be free and behave
like we do now...especially during this Presidential Election?? Would
he say he endured all that he wrote about in his diary (and probably
more) so our Presidential Debates could be filled with mud-slinging and
abortion "tactics." I mention abortion because shouldn't that decision
be up to the pregnant Mother and expectant Father? Not that I believe
in abortion. But, I can not choose for someone else. Nor should I -
through increased health care premiums - have to pay for said
abortion(s). And, shouldn't health care coverage be the individual's
choice, too?? And, if you feel the need to fire a gun to solve a
problem, show courage, etc - isn't there a deeper underlying
problem?? To the memory of the Vets who've made the ultimate
sacrifice, to the military currently serving, and to those who have
served and are "retired"...so to speak - I am sorry we...the USA....
have acted in such an unseemly manner. You deserve(d) better for all
you've laid on the line for us. This includes US Allied military
personnel, too. If you've read this far - thanks!!
Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the
furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next
time. Ever Toodles!! MONA