senior scribes

Puzzle Pete sees double
© 2017 Lois E. Wilson
Use the numbered clues to find the 5-letter answers. Each dash stands for a letter. The last 2 letters of an answer word are also the first 2 letters of the next word. Work up and down. The puzzle is started for you. Puzzle Pete wants to know—“Are two better than one?”

Wilson's completed set has a new edition – now six volumes – of published poetry. Volume 1 is out of print and no longer available, however Volumes 2-6 are available and are offered as a fundraiser for the Darke County Scholarship Fund. Enjoy great poetry and help a local youngster attend college. For additional information, contact

Scroll down for answers.

Answers: 1.error, 2.organ, 3.ankle, 4.lemon, 5. onion, 6.onset, 7.etude, 8.deuce, 9.cello, 10.local, 11.alone, 12.neato,, 14.align, 15.gnome, 16.Mensa, 17.samba, 18.Banjo, 19.Joker

senior scribes

County News Online

is a Fundraiser for the Senior Scribes Scholarship Committee. All net profits go into a fund for Darke County Senior Scholarships
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