Mind, Body, Soul
An Introduction
By Mona Lease
Greetings Gals!! It probably started sometime in May - 2012. I had
contracted what I believe was viral pneumonia. I was sick for a month.
I laid on the couch, over a vaporizer, hacking and spitting. The only
taste buds that seemed to work were those that registered sweet. I had
given up on any food - I could not taste it. I shoved the Ocean Spray
juice to the back of the refrigerator and drank water.
After I was no longer sick, I drank some of the juice - still way too
sweet. I finished it - I had paid good money for it. I thinned it with
water. Why was it so sweet? I read the label. The second ingredient -
after the first one being filtered water - was high-fructose corn
syrup. If fructose is a "fruit sugar" and corn syrup is a "food syrup"
made from the starch of corn - then is high fructose corn syrup really
- high sugar sugar?? Whatever way it went - it had to go - and go it
did. Then a few interesting things happened.
When I started drinking juices and other drinks that had no high
fructose corn syrup - subtle changes in me and my body occurred.
I even cut out sugar and opted for "real cane sugar." Thirst - in
general - waned. It only took about half of what I was drinking
(high-fructose laden drinks) and my output was good. I no longer had
that "something" in the back of my mouth and throat. You know - that
sensation or undefinable taste - that no matter how many times you
swallow - it just does not leave. Hmm!!
My insurance company demands yearly testing for glucose, cholesterol,
body mass index - among other tests. Therefore, I'm aware of labels
that say glucose, sugar, fat, salt (sodium), etc. And somewhere along
the way I had developed a muffin top...a muffin top! What? How? By
accident - I started drinking green tea with spearmint and lemongrass.
I was after the spearmint and lemongrass - subtle flavors. I stumbled
upon the bottled option. There is a tea bag choice. Slowly the
muffin-top morphed into just a "top." All of this made an impression on
my mind. There might be hope! I'll never be 18 again - I might not want
to be 18...I was pretty naïve.
And I think these two - mind and body - being "agreeable" to each
other...sort of brought my soul into the mix. Or maybe alignment
(balance?) is a better word. I felt a "peace" - if you will. Normal
things that used to bother me - no longer bothered me. I look at a
person who cuts off another person on the road - narrowly missing the
front end of the car and I think: "That was a dumb thing to do. You
cause a wreck and you'll really be late." I was in a vehicle as a
passenger a while back and we were rear-ended at a red light. Amazingly
- I showed little emotion. I had places I wanted to be but, I walked
back to the driver who rear-ended us to make sure she was ok. I said we
were not mad at her and it would all be ok. Wow!! I did that? Not so
awfully long ago, I'd have had "something to say" before I walked back
to her.
Somewhere along the way, I cut out caffeine in all forms. I drink
decaff coffee and herbal teas. I quit smoking. I refused to pay $2.85 a
pack. Yes - some time has passed since then.
Is it possible to bring the mind, body, and soul into alignment? Or to
a position where they are "agreeable?" That's the point of this column.
I'd actually like to morph this site into a forum where we - as women -
share what we know - what we've learned - how we've grown. I'd like
this "forum" to be a place, not to groan or complain but, a place to
spur each other on to "be all you can be" - as wives - as Mothers - as
people. Thanks to my Editors for giving this idea a chance!
Sometimes, all you need is for someone to just be there, even if they
can't solve your problems. Just knowing there is someone who cares can
make all the difference. sun.gazing.com
The best is yet to be! MONA