senior scribes

Along Life’s Way
Father Time on “Time”: A Fable
© 2018 Lois E. Wilson
Father Time always meets with the 10,080 minutes of the week to come. He wants each of them to realize their importance in the lives of the people of the universe. It is a speech he has given since the beginning of time.
He walks proudly into the room and greets them, “Good day, everyone! Your time will soon arrive. As you know, it will last only a moment. To meet your obligation, it is important that you be on time.
“We have high standards. Time is consistent and reliable. We have never missed or lost a minute.
“You are there for humans to spend as they see fit. Some will use you wisely doing good, accomplishing tasks, solving problems, creating things, and discovering ways to improve the lives of inhabitants.
“Others may fritter away the moments they have been given or use them for evil. Some kill time by doing nothing. You have no power over how you are used. You are just to be there at your assigned time.
“You will soon discover that some humans are very aware of time and are prompt in all matters. Then there are those who use time to control; they are often late making others wait for them. That makes them feel powerful. You minutes are spent regardless. It is time that is in control of that. Thank you for your attention. May your week pass by smoothly!”
Moral: Each minute lasts only a moment and then becomes a memory. Spend it well; make good memories.

senior scribes
County News Online

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