senior scribes

Mind, Body, Soul
Old Grief
By Mona Lease

Greetings, Gals!! Before I start this, I want to welcome aboard this column a long time friend of mine. She and I discussed our youth - we made it through it!! Now that we're older...we realize that we got off of the "path" somewhere along the way. When I started this column, I thought it might be another of my "zany" ideas. But the response has been positive. Guys, you're always welcome to read this. Be warned: It's for women. We'll be discussing anything and everything here.

The following is the next chapter in the book we've been reading.
I've applied a lot of what we've read to my life. Just like applying lipstick or takes a little practice.

The Art Of Letting Go - Chapter 11 - "How To Let Go Of Old Grief" -  Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

You can't ever forget a first love, but you can let go of them eventually. You can't ever forget a loved one who has passed away, but you can eventually continue on with your life and heal. I wish there could be a magical spell to stop all of the pain and memories, but that would be too easy wouldn't it?

I know the grief that is felt after loss. It covers you like a blanket and threatens to choke you with it's enormous weight. It follows you around and tries to trip you as soon as you get back on your feet. It haunts you in your sleep and you can't even run away from it in your dreams.

But, what I have come to find is that grief isn't your enemy. Your rejection of grief is. Too many times we try to hide from our deep emotions and try to make a shield to protect ourselves from them. But, too many times this is the wrong thing to do. We are only hurting ourselves more by continuing to ignore the hurt.

The first and final step to let go of someone is to grab onto grief's hand and let it take you on a ride. Just be prepared, it's going to hurt like hell. You will cry. You will scream. You will hurt and you will ache. But it will only go up from here. It will only get better from this starting point.

You will have days when the nostalgia will return and you can't even breathe because you miss them so much. You will have days where you just want to sit in bed and cry staring at the letters they wrote to you.

But you will also have days where you wake up clear-headed and nothing reminds of you of them. You will have days where you will hear their name and you don't even flinch.

The more you realize that it's okay to feel what you are feeling, the more you heal. The more you walk beside grief instead of running from it, the more you heal.

So, instead of ignoring grief, shake it's hand and greet your sadness with open arms.

Don't expect to be healed in a week. Don't expect to be cured in a month. Just expect to gain love and respect for yourself as you step into this journey without looking back.

"Sometimes all you need is for someone to just be there, even if they can't solve your problems. Just knowing there is someone who cares can make all the difference." -

The best is yet to be!!     MONA

senior scribes
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