senior scribes

Mind, Body, Soul
Slipping Away
By Mona Lease

Greetings, Gals!! There's not much left of this year. Keep reaching. Keep stretching. It's been a year of new ways to work. For some of you readers - 2019 will bring a new job. And new workmates - new people to get used to and with whom to be productive. You can do it!!

The Art of Letting Go - Chapter 13 - "When The One You Could Love Forever Slips Away" - Beau Taplin
To my sweetheart, my teacher, and kindred spirit. What a senseless fool I have been and how ashamed I am for allowing you to slip away, for letting my past stand in the way of something present and sincere. But this isn't a time for excuses or apologies. You have heard enough of these the last few weeks and now I am out of ways to express the enormous regret I feel. Never would I have you believe this is a desperate plea to win back your affections. I am writing you because things must be said.

I remember how soft and simple the days were with you. I would never taint or make a mess of all that was free and joyful in us. I am so proud of all that you do, and all that you are.

You move me to be more present and in tune with the world around me. Every day with you has been a pleasure and a gift. You have made me happy and whole.

I love you. It has been a privilege to love you and have you. You have been a true light in my life. Let these words speak to the profound and wonderful influence you have in the lives you touch. You certainly did touch mine.

And because most of the people with whom I speak are going through something - consider:

"Why You Should Never Sleep In A Room Above 70 Degrees" - Emily Shiffer, Leita Milgrim
You climb into a cozy bed, snuggle up under a comforter, and drift off to sleep...only to wake up a few hours later drenched in sweat. Most of the time these night sweats are caused by something totally harmless - like the temperature of your bedroom. A general rule? If your night sweats persist for more than two or three months, get yourself checked out. Take a peek at common causes and what you can do.   

1)Your room is just too damn hot. Anything other than 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit is probably too hot. Less breathable fabrics also contribute to night sweats. Feeling hot impedes your ability to fall asleep. In the  process of drifting off, your body temperature should drop one or two degrees below normal, and it can't do that in a warm room.

2)You have an excessive sweating disorder. It's called hyperhidrosis - sweating more than necessary. Hyperhidrosis only affects palms, feet, underarms and the head. A dermatologist can prescribe a specific deodorant or Botox injections to block the sweat glands.

3)You're actually running from something in your nightmares. This is the simplest explanation for night sweats. The patient can be totally healthy and actually running in a dream or nightmare. If this is ongoing, see you doctor to find out what might be causing it. Stress is a big culprit.

4)Your body is going through hormonal changes. One of the most common causes of night sweats for women is fluctuating estrogen levels. If you're pregnant or on your period, these hormonal changes can lead to night sweats, too. Menopause causes the most persistent sweats. If these are affecting your quality of life, see your doctor.

5)You're taking antidepressants. Certain classes of medicines can cause a reaction. If you don't want to switch your antidepressant, your doctor can prescribe "drug docs" to calm down the adrenergenic output.

6)Your body is fighting an infection. In general, infections come with fevers that will break. See your doctor if symptoms persist.

7)You have undiagnosed lymphoma. Lymphoma is cancer of the immune system. Your body recognizes lymphoma as something it needs to fight off, and causes your body temperature to rise to do so. Heavy sweating can occur during the day, too. Get to your doctor so you can be tested for this.

"Sometimes all you need is for someone to just be there, even if they can't solve your problems. Just knowing there is someone who cares can make all the difference." -

The best is yet to be!!     MONA

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