senior scribes

"The" Sanctuary City?
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!! I've been hearing about sanctuary cities in New York and lately in California. Maybe it's because the Christmas season is here with it's "You can't say Merry Christmas. Oh me." Maybe it's because I have a couple of people I know who have lost a loved one in the last three weeks. Maybe I'm just tired. But it all went though my mind like this:

Sanctuary city is defined as: "Sanctuary city" is not a legal term but a general term often used to describe more than 300 jurisdictions that don't fully comply with Federal Immigration efforts. The New York Times definition is: "In cities, sanctuary policies often mean local officials do not ask about a person's immigration status, but there is no universal definition for a "sanctuary city."

I was thinking:  "If this Jesus is the promised Messiah - promised Savior...then how does this all work?? Jesus was born on Christmas and died after a brutal death. He then arose on Easter. It's written that He had HIs doubts about dying...."may this cup pass from me." So it would have to be something pretty "big" to make Him go through with His death...right? It would be pretty pointless to die like He did and on the other side is what we have here now - wouldn't it?

With Christmas eight days away as I write this - which is Jesus' birthday...I did  a little checking in the of Revelation. See what you think.

When the time has come...a new city comes down - the New Jerusalem. So...this New Jerusalem is 1,400 miles squared. That's half as wide as the USA - from either coast inward. From top to bottom - this New Jerusalem would extend from the bottom of the USA upward into parts Canada.

The walls of the New Jerusalem are 144 cubits thick. One cubit equals 20.6 inches. These walls would be 245 feet thick and made of jasper.

The streets are pure gold. Three gates are on each side - for a total of twelve gates - each gate of a single pearl.

The leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations. Each tree bears it's fruit in season. And you're living in God's presence...face-to-face.

The glory and honor of the nations are brought into this city.

Nothing impure will ever enter this city...nor anyone who does what is shameful or evil.

This part is most interesting to me. There are twelve layers to the foundation of this New Jerusalem.
1)Jasper - (confidence, courage)
2)Sapphire - (insight, spiritual devotion)
3)Agate - (calms the body and the mind)
4)Emerald - (improves communication)
5)Onyx - (faith and truth)
6)Ruby - (love, protection, wisdom)
7)Chrysolite - (prevent hasty decisions)
8)Beryl - (enables enjoyment of life)
9)Topaz - (clarity in your intentions)
10)Turquoise - (powerful protection)
11)Jacinth - (strengthen self-esteem)
12)Amethyst - (calm, balance, peace)

In the above parentheses are my notes - if you will. They are NOT in the King James Bible. Many stones are said to have "powers' or maybe it's power by the  "power of suggestion." But what if you lived in a city described above that sat on a foundation of:

Confidence, Courage, Insight, Spiritual Devotion, Calms the Body and Mind, Improves Communication, Faith, Truth, Love, Protection, Wisdom, Prevents Hasty Decisions, Enables Enjoyment of Life, Clarity in Your Intentions, Strengthens Self-Esteem, Calms, Balances, Peace.

Wouldn't this be the ultimate "Sanctuary City?"

If you've read this readers are truly brave. Thanks for reading/considering! 

Merry Christmas to ya'll!!

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!!!     MONA

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