senior scribes

Along Life’s Way
The Best Place: A Fable
© 2018 Lois E. Wilson
Stella from the first time she attended church as a child always worried where to sit. This anxiety probably began when her mother chose to locate close to the rear door in case Stella or one of her siblings cried or misbehaved. If that happened, the family could make a quick exit from the sanctuary.
Later Stella sat with others nearer her own age. She was beginning to notice and become interested in boys. They would exchange glances and smiles.
When she began going steady with one of them, they chose to sit away from the teen-age group. It was an attempt to establish that they were a couple.
Later, after they married, they chose a middle pew to sit in every Sunday. Their nearby pew mates were young couples. They became valued friends. Before the service, they exchanged news of weekly events. Their children became friends too.
Over the years, when they were empty nesters sitting behind their friends, they saw the wives’ hair change to gray—then white. They watched the husbands’ hair thin progress toward baldness.
The group grew smaller as spouses died. Stella kept changing her pew choice in an attempt to find lost security.
When her health began to fail, Stella’s choice of seating at church went full circle. She chose to sit near the rear door where she could make an easy exit with her walker.
The seat changes throughout her lifetime had given Stella opportunities to experience the worship service from different places in the sanctuary. With each seating place she chose, she met new people who became friends. The church members became a true, caring congregation to her.
Moral: No matter where you choose to locate, make certain it’s at the right hand of God then He is always by your side.

senior scribes
County News Online

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