senior scribes

Mind, Body, Soul
What Bugs Me
By Mona Lease

Greetings, Gals!! Here's another interesting article I read. Read on while I swat this house fly...grrr.

30 Most Dangerous Bugs in America
Africanized Honey Bees: Or killer bee..was introduced into America after an experiment gone wrong. In the 1950's, colonies of African honey bees were brought into Brazil for increase the honey output. Some of the African queens and worker bees escaped and bred with European honey bees to create the killer hybrid. By 1990...these bees were in Texas.

Arizona Bark Scorpions: Found in the deserts of Arizona, and California..these scorpions are the most dangerous known to the United States. If stung, you can experience painful swelling, breathing difficulties, and muscle spasms. Seek medical attention right away.

Brown Recluse Spider: From south central and midwestern out. They are in your woods and closets. Their venom can make you sick and scar your skin.

Black Widow Spiders: Not much bigger than a paperclip, their venom is 15 times more potent than that of a rattlesnake. Few people perish of their venom. A black widow bite causes muscle aches, nausea, and breathing difficulty.

Mosquitos: Beyond the itch, mosquitos transmit malaria, dengue, yellow fever, and St. Louis encephalitis. More than one million people world wide die annually from illnesses passed to them via the mosquito.

Centipedes: They don't bite - they pinch. Their pinch can cause swelling, redness, and pain.

Red Harvester Ants: Primarily in Texas, these ants have a brutal bite. They don't attack unless provoked.

Fire Ants: In the southern states, they "gang up" on you. In severe cases, death has been reported.

Ticks: They spread Lyme disease, anaplasmosis (bacterial infection), Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and babesiosis (red blood cell disease).

Paper Wasps: They will attack you if you encroach on their territory...and it will hurt. There might be an allergic reaction, but they are "all bark and no bite."

Sac Spiders: They attack without provocation and are responsible for more bites than any other species of spider. Their bite is painful for the first 10 hours or so and might cause blistering or bruising. It usually does not result in anything serious or life-threatening.

Tarantulas: They are actually pretty dangerous. They don't attack often but their bite causes redness, swelling, and muscle spasms.

Oriental Rat Fleas: This is the same flea who carried the plague in the Middle Ages. The flea traveled on the rats. That "plague" exists in parts of California, Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico.

Wheel Bugs: Their bites aren't fatal, but immediately and intensely painful.

Cockroaches: They do bite and they eat anything...including human flesh. They prefer feet, hands, and eyelashes.

Tarantula Hawks: One of the most venomous insects in the world, they prefer arachnids. For humans, their bite feels instantaneous, electrifying, and totally debilitating.

German Yellow Jackets: Accidentally introduced into Ohio, they build their nests in attics and under roofs. If disturbed, they aren't afraid to sting you - repeatedly. Watch leaving out food...they love sweets.

Botflies: They are a menace. They lay their eggs on mosquitos which end up on humans. When they hatch, the larvae burrow in the host's skin and become parasitic.

Puss Caterpillars: Do not pet this fuzzy-wuzzy. It is the most dangerous caterpillar in the United States. It's "fuzzy hairs" are toxic spines that stick your skin and cause a painful reaction .

Kissing Bugs: A growing problem in the southern United States, over half of these carry the parasite responsible for Chagas disease, which can cause everything from body aches to heart failure.

Browntail Moth Caterpillars: On the coast of Maine and Cape Cod, this caterpillar has poisonous hairs that, if touched, can cause a reaction like poison ivy. You don't have to touch the caterpillar. Hairs detach and can land on you causing the reactions.

Asian Giant Hornets: The largest and deadliest hornet in the world, it's venom can destroy red blood cells and cause a human's kidneys to shut down.

Red Widow Spiders: In certain parts of Florida, the venom is a neurotoxin and can cause permanent muscle spasms.

Hobo Spiders: Their bite causes long-lasting headaches, bone and joint pain, muscle weakness, and hallucinations.

Io Moth Caterpillars: From the south, their sting is excruciating.

Striped Bark Scorpion: Found in Texas, New Mexico, Arkansas, Colorado, and Louisiana...their sting packs a punch that can last a few days. No deaths are attributed them.

Chiggers: They are the larvae of trombiculid mites. Their saliva causes the itchy, irritated bumps.

Asian Lady Beetles: In 1988, these beetles were brought to the United States to slash the aphid population. They bite and are now considered a pest.

Giant Resin Bees: They don't sting unless don't provoke them.

Velvet Ants: Called Cow Killer Ants...they are actually a wasp (only the female stings). Popular Science says their sting is "30 minutes of life-changing, pray-for-death pain." - Morgan Greenwald

"Sometimes all you need is for someone to just be there, even if they can't solve your problems. Just knowing there is someone who cares can make all the difference."

The best is yet to be!!     MONA

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