senior scribes

Along Life’s Way
The CIC’s New Clothes: a Fable
© 2018 Lois E. Wilson
After a surprise win, the new Commander in Chief was forming a team to advance his agenda toward greatness for the country. Prior to his election, some embedded opposition members had devised a back-up insurance plan to undermine and unseat him should he win. It was a plan that they thought would never have to be put into action. His election changed that.
They had noticed how the CIC dressed. He usually wore a dark suit which was somewhat rumpled with a red necktie that hung down below his waist. He wore nothing remarkable—he looked like an ordinary man. Their plan called in the Fashion Bureau, Inc. which had ties to the CIC’s election opponent, Ms. Also-ran. This FBI was her stylist, so to speak.
In the weeks before the election, the FBI had collected data on the CIC such as his measurements and any contacts by him or his staff with Russians. They designed and fabricated a “collusion suit” all done with Russian connections. The tailor-made suit would be ready for him to wear at the State of the Union speech. The opposition group would claim that the CIC had colluded with Russia to influence the results of the recent election.
Their tailor delivered the suit to the CIC for a fitting a few days before the occasion. It was a military style tunic of top quality wool that had trousers which tucked into soft leather boots. He tried it on and said, “This is deplorable! Where did this come from? It looks like something Stalin wore or those Mao jackets Ms. Also-ran often wears. It certainly doesn’t fit my style. What were you thinking? Get rid of it! Burn it! Get it out of here and bring me one of my other suits!”
The opposition kept looking for something to tie the CIC to Russia. It had almost given up hope when one of the agents working on the matter rushed in and excitedly told them, “We’ve finally got him! I have a source in the CIC’s kitchen which tells me that the CIC will not touch a salad unless it has Russian dressing on it!” They all beamed and shared a round of high fives. A more cautious agent in attendance said, “Wait a minute, let’s check it out first. I know the head chef; let me verify it and I’ll report back.”
A day later the agent told them, “That story about the Russian dressing was a salacious rumor. The head chef reports that the first day in office, the CIC issued a directive to the kitchen staff that only food locally grown and processed within the country was to be served at all meals. Therefore, the Russian dressing is Russian in name only. Our ‘collusion plan’ has failed any way we look at it. Is it time to move on?”
Moral: Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing—they may lose their fangs, but their hunger for power is still in fashion.

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