senior scribes

Mind, Body, Soul
Hints and Trees
By Mona Lease

Greetings, Gals!! So along with changing or improving our physical body, I thought I'd give you something to think about concerning our speech. Also - since warm weather is here and trees have "leafed out" - I'm including a list of trees people in other states are calling their shade trees.

Each State's Official Tree -
Alabama: Southern Longleaf Pine    Alaska: Sitka Spruce
Arizona: Palo Verde                          Arkansas: Pine
California: California Redwood            Colorado: Colorado BlueSpruce 
Connecticut: Charter Oak                  Delaware: American Holly
Florida: Sabal Palm                          Georgia: Live Oak
Hawaii: Kukui                                    Idaho: Western White Pine
Illinois: White Oak                             Indiana: Tulip Poplar
Iowa: Oak                                          Kansas: Cottonwood
Kentucky: Tulip Poplar                      Louisiana: Bald Cypress
Maine: White Pine                            Maryland: White Oak
Massachusetts: American Elm          Michigan: Eastern White Palm
Minnesota: Flowering Dogwood          Montana: Ponderosa Pine
Nebraska: Cottonwood                      Nevada: Single Leaf Pinon
New Hampshire: White Birch              New Jersey: Northern Red Oak
New Mexico: Pinon Pine                   New York: Sugar Maple
North Carolina: Frasier Fir                  North Dakota: American Elm
Ohio: Ohio Buckeye                          Oklahoma: Redbud
Oregon: Douglas Fir                          Pennsylvania: Hemlock
Rhode Island: Red Maple                   South Carolina: Sabal Palmetto
South Dakota: Black Hills Spruce       Tennessee: Tulip Poplar
Texas: Pecan Tree                            Utah: Quaking Aspen
Vermont: Sugar Maple                        Virginia: Flowering Dogwood
Washington: Western Hemlock           West Virginia: Sugar Maple
Wisconsin: Sugar Maple                    Wyoming: Plains Cottonwood

40  Slang Terms No One Over 40 Should Ever Use - Best Life
High Key: No secret                      Turnt: Good time with drugs
Hundo P: 100%                            Shade: Insult  throwing shade
The struggle is real: no money.      JOMO: Joy of missing out
Phubbing: Snub using a phone.      Bae: "Baby" or boyfriend
GOAT: Greatest of all time.           JK: Just kidding
Woke: Become aware                    I can't even: Losing patience
"P": Short for pretty                       As If: Something you can't do
Boots: Adds emphasis                   Stan: An obsessive fan
Preggers: Pregnant                       TBH: To be honest
Sus: Unreliable, suspicious            Extra: Trying too hard
OTP: One true pairing                   Perf: Perfect
Keep It: Keep it real, be true           Netflix-n-Chill: Intimacy
Ship: People belong together          Salty: Bitter and angry
Skint: money                 Crunked: Drunk or high
Slide into your dm's: computer messages.    Goals: Age
Sorry not sorry: Sorry I'm not sorry   Dipset: Leave-sooner the better
Phat: Hip or cool                            Snatched: Really impressive
All righty then: OK                          Totes: Totally
Cray-Cray: Extra crazy                    Wazzzap?:Help or what's intended?

15 Everyday Habits That Are Ruining Your Health - Reader's Digest
Hold your nose when you sneeze: The pressure backs up and you can damage the sinuses, throat, back of the nose, or chest.

Putting your purse on the table: This puts germs from where your purse has been and what you've touched, on the table.

Keeping your wallet in your back pocket: Sitting on it causes your buttocks to be uneven which causes back and hip pain.

Using a hand dryer: New studies show that using a hand dryer in a public restroom actually blows germs back on to your hands.

Eating before bedtime? Sleeping on a full stomach can give you acid reflux.

Sleeping in contacts: The CDC reports that 33% of adults wear their contacts while sleeping which raises the risk of corneal infection.

Not washing your face before bed or after exercise: Washing removes sweat and germs before you sleep with your face in them.

Washing your hands in water that's too hot: This strips oil from your skin causing good breeding ground for bacteria.

Applying nail polish without ventilation: This can cause certain hormone disrupting toxins to seep into your body. Inhaling the fumes is dangerous.

Eating out a lot: To avoid toxic chemicals in food packaging and processing materials...avoid eating out.

Doing the wrong kind of stretch before exercise: If you only hold a muscle in one position and not stretch it properly, it can result in impaired performance.

Using the same cutting board for meat and vegetables: This spreads salmonella to the salad.  

Defrosting at room temperature: Bacteria packaged with the freeze multiplies rapidly at room temperature.

Being glued to your phone: Information overload from the internet and social media negatively impact your working memory.

Holding in farts: Passing gas is a gross habit that's really healthy. Repressing farts can cause bloating, indigestion, and heart burn.

"Sometimes all you need is for someone to just be there, even if they can't solve your problems. Just knowing there is someone who cares can make all the difference."

The best is yet to be!!      MONA

senior scribes
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