senior scribes

Mind, Body, Soul
Picking Your Battles
By Mona Lease

Greetings, Gals! I sat listening to a couple of gals talk. I found the following most interesting.
"I'm giving away most of my stuff. I'm not even going to try to sell it. It's just going to go...some how...some's all going."

"I have blankets, blankets, and more blankets. many blankets do you need?? You normally wash your bedding and put it back on the bed. I found blankets I had stored in the back of my closet that had mouse poop in them...mouse poop! I guess moth balls only last so long. I found moth holes, too."

"That's all just too much work...change the moth balls...repack the really should wash the blankets before you redo the moth balls. And then you really should wash out the closet, too. I could spend five hours doing all of that...just in a closet! And these blankets still have not touched my bed in I don't know how many years."

"I hear you. I have dining table service for twelve. I've only ever had four people at my dining table 360 days out of the year. I have silverware for the same amount of people. That leaves eight of everything to stay on the bottom of the flatware tray."

"I have an upright vacuum sweeper, a hand-held sweeper, a whisk broom, and a regular broom. I can do everything with the vacuum sweeper and it's attachments."

"I have all of these "momentos" and they collect dust...a plate from the Florida Keys...a bell from New York...a cast iron pig from Kansas..a pack of sewing needles from Indiana...the list goes on forever. I didn't use the needles to sew because they were a souvenir. Now all of this just needs dusted.  Jeez."

"I know. I have clothes, clothes, and more clothes. I have clothes to jog in, clothes to lounge around in, clothes for semi-good, clothes for Sunday-good, and clothes for good-good. I wear the same two or three outfits to church...out of like twelve. It all just lays in a drawer or hangs in a closet...more stuff to clean."

"Yes, and then I got to thinking. I spend like...three hours out of every day cooking and cleaning up that mess...and cleaning the floors of pet hair...stuff they track in in their paws and what I track in on my shoes. Add to that how many hours it takes to dust the furniture, wipe down walls, wash ceilings, and wash baseboards. "

"Right! And then if you have your carpets steam-cleaned. All of the knick-knacks...all of the pictures in frames setting on tables...all of it has to be moved out of the room. There just has to be a better way...doesn't there?"

"Yes, there's a better way. However many people live in the house...that's how many plates, glasses, knives, forks, spoons, etc . And no more 15 pairs of socks because I bought them "on sale." They clog up my drawers. I'm stopping all of the boots, shoes, sandals, sneakers, etc. It's more stuff t clean around in the bottom of the closet...or beside the back door."

"Check this out, girl. All of this cleaning...I could be spending time with my grandchildren. I could save all of the money I spend on this stuff...all of the money I spend on cleaning supplies...I could go see my children and grandchildren that live out-of-state."

"Yep...and the best part for me is: My mind won't be clogged up with all of these things I know I should be doing."

From me: I'm going to try this. Maybe I don't need all of the "momentos" to remind me. Maybe I just need to take the time to remember.

Maybe I don't need to buy the stuff just because it's "on sale."

"Sometimes all you need is for someone to just be there, even if they can't solve your problems. Just knowing there is someone who cares can make all the difference."

The best is yet to be!    MONA

senior scribes
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