the bistro off broadway


If You Think It's Not There
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!!! For you that are no further. Be warned. The following is disturbing...but true.

For those of you who think the "internet" is a safe place. For those of you who wonder if the "internet" is a safe place. The following is all  true. I promise. I wondered. I looked. It's disturbing. Very disturbing.

If you think you want to make a bomb? It's there. Google "Make a bomb." I received a list of choices. Did you want that bomb from soda, or sugar, or paper?  Made with a bottle, made with gas, or hair spray? There are other assorted household products you can use.

Do you want to watch a body get embalmed? Google "Embalming process." It's there...complete with a video of a real corpse.

Are you inclined to murder someone and not sure what to do after that? Google "How to hide a body."

Want to know how to murder someone and not get caught? Google "How to murder someone and not get caught."

Do you want something and not want to pay for it? Google "How to steal." It's  all there. How to steal someone's boyfriend, someone's wife, clothes, a car...whatever you desire.

Want to join ISIS? That's there, too. Google "How to join ISIS." It gives you  "How To Join ISIS (8 steps) The Smart Potato."

Want to join the Kamikaze? It's there as well. Google "How to join the Kamikaze." It gives you "Kamikaze Punishment Foundation providing programming primarily to children and youth under 21." There's a phone number, too!

Do the Cossacks interest you? There's a site to join them, too. Google "How to join the Cossacks." It gives you a site to join and it gives you another site that will train you to be "masculine" like the Zaporozian Cossacks.

Tired of heading out to find a dealer with "good" opium? Yes readers, that's on the "internet", too. Google "Transforming the Opium Poppy (the white ones) Into Heroin." Another site is: "How to Make Heroin in Easy Steps Plus Needed Ingredients."

Want good grades but not want to study? Yep, it's there. Google "How to cheat on a test."  There's "How to cheat on your income taxes." And "How to cheat on your girlfriend like a pro."

If you think getting out of paying bills sounds exciting. Google "How not to pay rent." It's there along with "How not to pay taxes, legally." It also lists "How not to pay overtime, state tax, and child support."

Do you have a beef with your teacher? Google "How to get a teacher fired." There's "How to get a teacher sick," too.

Don't want to tell the truth? Google "How to lie effectively."

Do you want to do or sell drugs and not get caught? Google "How to not get caught selling drugs." Or google "How not to get caught dealing drugs."

Do you want ideas about how to make money illegally? Yep, it's there. Google "How to make money illegally." There's another site called "Your Ultimate Guide For How To Make Money Illegally 14 Different Ways."

Do you think you'll be cool at school...or anywhere if you're a bully? Not sure how to start? Google "How to be a bully."

Want to get out of trouble? Google "How to bribe parents." "How to bribe the cops." How to bribe your Dad."  "How to bribe a judge."

Want to know what's in that locked safe? Think you need in that locked car? Just Google "How to break into a safe." or "How to break into a car."

Did you ever wonder about sex? How to do it effectively? Did autopsies ever cross your they are performed? Did you ever consider abortion or cremation? It's all  there on the internet. Just Google it.

I've looked at all of these sites. Honestly...I like to be able to hold my own in a debate...defend my position with what I've seen or read. There are images I'll never get out of my mind. Some of this stuff should be mandatory in every school, starting from 8th grade through graduation.

For the sanctity of my laptop and my columns...I'm not visiting the "Join ISIS" site..."Join the Kamikaze" site..."Join the Cossacks" site. I'm guessing these go back to the original country and are monitored to see who visits these sites.

I'm not saying anyone's kiddies are visiting these sites. I'm not accusing anyone of not attending to their kiddies.

I am saying you should check this out for yourselves and make an informed decision. I am saying you should be aware that this stuff exists. And I am saying that if you know this stuff is've got a "heads-up" on what might be a problematic situation. And how to avoid it.

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!!! MONA

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