the bistro off broadway


In the Justifying
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!!! I've been hearing a lot lately about "justification." I've been hearing people say they are looking at "the big picture." But, I wonder. Does our "justifying" point to something else? Does it point to something within ourselves?? Does it point to some weakness we possess? Does it point to a need we might have to help other people "save face?" Does it point to a desire within ourselves...or maybe even a "need"...within be the champion to the underdog? See what you think of the following.

"Day One"
Day 1. He called me fat today, but that's ok because I did gain a few pounds. At least he didn't call me dumb.

Day 198. He called me stupid today, but that's ok because I am forgetful sometimes. At least he didn't cheat on me.

Day 302. He told me I am not enough and he needs a side piece to satisfy his needs. That's ok because I am a tired Mom, not a super model. I have health issues and work grueling shifts. At least he doesn't get physically abusive.

Day 439. He pushed me down today, but that's ok because I was obviously in his way and he was drunk. At least I don't have bruises.

Day 562. He squeezed my arm so hard today it left a mark. That's ok because he was really focused on communication. At least he didn't punch me.

Day 612. He hit me so hard today that it gave me a headache. That's ok because I get headaches all the time and I know he didn't mean to hurt me.

Day 729. He hit me again today and I have bruises and swelling. That's ok because I am a klutz and bruise easily.

Day 863. I woke up in the hospital today with tubes, wires, machines, and hospital staff all around. But, it's ok. I'm still alive.

Day 1,095. Today someone left flowers at my grave and whispered, "Why did she let him get past day one?" - Jodi M. Boyer

Divide 1,095 by 365. That's how many years it took the above story to get progressively worse from a seemingly "minor" infraction.

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!!!     MONA

senior scribes
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