the bistro off broadway


I Thought and I Looked
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!!! I wondered about what to write. There's news everywhere. And none of it is what I would call "good."

"Trump comes to El Paso to console, El Paso says no thanks,"

"Dayton Mayor "confused" by Trump's tweet."

"With every tragedy, another strong campaign."

"ICE arrests 680 undocumented immigrants along the Mississippi."

"Raids took place on the 1st day of school, causing chaos."

"Poll finds opposition to assault weapons jumps after weekend's
   mass killings."

"Amnesty International issues warning for US"

"Trump's openness to extensive background checks draws warning
   from NRA"

"A Detroit diabetic was deported to Iraq, where he never lived. He
   died on the street."

These are a few of the headlines I've read on my laptop's daily newsfeed.  What do you believe? What should you believe? How much of your time should you spend trying to find out if any of it is really true? What do you do if it is true? What should you do if it is true? What should I do?      Well....

"Do more. Be More. Try Harder" is the battle cry of our culture.

"You don't need new ways to manage your stress. You need to prevent it from overwhelming you in the first place."

Step 1: Find Your True North: Clarify what is truly important to you. Who do you want to be, how do you want to feel, and what do you want your day-to-day life to look like?

Step 2: Establish Your Foundation: Identify what roadblocks may get in your way of making the changes that will help you live the life of ease you crave. You'll make a plan for assembling a team that can help you reach your goals, and you'll fortify your mindset to prepare for success.
Step 3:Take Your Overwhelm Inventory: Determine your unique causes of stress (some obvious, and many that will surprise you) in your physical surroundings, health, habits, relationships, thinking patterns, and more.

Step 4: Create and Launch Your Personal Plan: Start making the targeted changes that will help you rid your life of overwhelm and radically improve your well-being on all levels - mind, body, and spirit. - OVERCOMING OVERWHELM, Dr. Samantha Brody

Ways to relieve stress:
Be assertive instead of aggressive.
Assert your feelings, opinions, or beliefs instead of becoming
     angry, defensive, or passive.
Learn and practice relaxation techniques; try meditation, yoga,
     or tai-chi for stress management.
Exercise regularly. Your body can fight stress better when it is
Eat healthy, well-balanced meals. - Stress Learning Center/Learn
     More at AARP

To the gal-pal with whom I was discussing the above as related to our personal lives...Is the above an answer...or what?!

I was riding up Martin Street in Greenville (Ohio) with a gal-pal. We got to Broadway and I noticed people at the new water park located where the old Hamburger Shop sat. We went halfway around the block and came in in the alley behind the water park. It gave us the perfect view of park's operational activity. Water shoots up from a type of spigot in the ground. It looked like there were four of the center of the park....surrounded by a brick wall...maybe 3' high. We watched young kiddies jumping and stomping on the water as it fell to the cement floor and pooled...before going down a drain I could not see from my vantage point. Then the water automatically stopped. I see an idea here.

What do you suppose would happen if I (or any adult) went to this water park and "stomped out all of my frustrations?" If I get jailed for this...don't send bail money...send more water park money if they charge for this!!!

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!!!     MONA

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