the bistro off broadway


Along Life’s Way
Now Hear This
By Lois E. Wilson

In 2010, I wrote these lines:
                                    You have met someone who chatters
                                    Without taking a pause or breath.
                                    Just telling of endless matters
                                    Till each topic is talked to death.
At that time I was describing the person who unwittingly monopolizes conversations to the extent that others are unable to say a word. Since then I have discovered what I call the “solo syndrome.” Because of it, certain individuals show the same characteristic. My verse, “Now Hear This,” is an example of it:
                                    It never was such            
                                    That you talked so much.
                                    Now you live alone
                                    And when on the phone
                                    You have your friend’s ear—
                                    Your mouth’s in full gear.
                                    You talk a blue streak;
                                    The caller can’t speak
                                    And soon gives a sigh
                                    With a quick “Goodbye!”
                                    I’ll call when I can
                                    At least that’s my plan—
                                    But I will pick a day
                                    When I’ve nothing to say.
I’ve found the solo syndrome occurs frequently in people who live alone or are newly living alone. They go for days with no one to talk to except themselves. When they do have someone to converse with, they often become hoarse or get a tickle in their throats. Both symptoms could be caused by not using their vocal cords to talk aloud.
So when you encounter friends who live alone, be patient, endure, and appreciate these discussions and updates with them. One fact is certain; they look forward to and cherish each conversation with you.

senior scribes
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