the bistro off broadway


Mind, Body, Soul
Running Back and 8 Reasons
By Mona Lease

Greetings, Gals!! In this column, I'll be finishing the book we've been reading. I've learned a whole lot. Keep reaching. Keep stretching. Keep your mind agile.

The Art Of Letting Go - Chapter 20 - "What You Should Do When You Want To Run Back To Them" - Kim Quindlen
You're alone . It sucks. The sadness and isolation you feel is so sickeningly heavy. You've imagined a reconciliation a million times. Your equilibrium is off and you don't know how to sort out anything you're feeling.

How do you know you're doing the right thing?
How do you know you're not making a mistake?

The instinct will be to run back to them. We're conditioned to believe that's love. We've seen it in movies. We've heard it in songs. But, that's not really love. It's the desperation, the race to win back someone.

We think that's how we're supposed to behave in real life. But real life doesn't happen in 105 minutes, with a set-up, a problem, a climax, and a resolution. It doesn't happen in a tender, 3-minute song.

You deal with your break-up, you feel the emotions, and you come to certain conclusions.

Maybe you are meant to be together and you both need the break-up to mature, to understand yourselves as individuals, to figure out that this is what you truly want. Or, maybe you're supposed to be alone for a while to meet someone else.

Either way,  you'll never know if you run back to them right now. Now is the time to live the beauty of a normal, painful, 3-dimensional life.

But, it comes at a price. You can not get over the break-up by romanticizing the experience. You just have to go through it in all of it's unappealing glory. Eventually, with time, you will know what is right. You will know if you should go back to this person. It's just going to take longer than a 2-minute scene set by a fountain in New  York City on a bright, sunny day.

The Art Of Letting Go - Chapter 21 - "8 Reasons To Thank The People Who Hurt You Most In life" - Brianna Wiest
1)The people who were able to hurt you the most, were also the people who you were able to love the most.
2)Difficult relationships often push you to change your behavior for the better.
3)What you learn and who you become is more important than how you temporarily feel.
4)You don't come across these people by accident, they were your teachers and catalysts.
5)Even if it wasn't your fault, it is your problem, and you get to choose what you do in the aftermath.
6)The people who have been through a lot are often the ones who are wiser and kinder, and happier overall.
7)It showed you what you do deserve.
8)Truly coming to peace with anything is being able to say, "Thank you for the experience."

The Art Of Letting Go - Chapter 22 - 19 Quotes To Read If You Can't Let Someone Go" - Rania Naim
1)Letting go does not mean that you don't care about someone anymore. - Deborah Reber
2)There ain't no way you can hold onto something that wants to go, you understand? - Kate DiCamillo
3)At some point you will realize that you have done too much for someone, that the next possible step is to stop. - Unknown
4)If they weren't good for you in 2015, they won't be good for you in 2016. - Robert Tew
5)Let go of the attachment, keep the lesson. - L.J. Vanier
6)Sometimes you have to forget what you feel and remember what you deserve. - Unknown
7)You didn't love him/her, you just didn't want to be alone. - Shonda Rhimes
8)Some people believe that holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. - Ann Landers
9)It doesn't matter if it's a relationship, a lifestyle, or a job; if it doesn't make you happy...then let it go. - Unknown
10)And sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. - Marilyn Monroe
11)She's not going to let go until she sees for herself that there's nothing left to hold on to. - Susane Colsante
12)The longer you're with the wrong person, you could be completely overlooking the chance to meet the right person. - Taylor Swift
13)Sometimes removing some people out of your life makes room for better people. - Unknown
14)Why don't you tell me that, "if the girl had been worth having, she'd have waited for you?" No sir, the girl really worth having won't wait for anybody. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
15)Detach yourself just when you realize you are closer to a heartbreak. - Unknown
16)You can meet someone who's just right, but he might not be meant for you. - Winna Efendi
17)Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain. - Vivian Greene
18)Holding on is believing that there's only a past, letting go is knowing that there's a future. - Daphne Rose Kingma
19)Someday someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked with anyone else. - Unknown

"Sometimes all you need is for someone to just be there, even if they can't solve your problems. Just knowing there is someone who cares can make all the difference." -

The best is yet to be!!     MONA

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