the bistro off broadway


A Book and a Phone Call
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!!! I received a phone call from a gal who is going through a nasty breakup. Through the conversation, she tells me that she is mad, hurt, confused, sad, has panic attacks, and such. Then she tells me she went looking for some weed - that is... marijuana. And it can't be found. All there is to be had is meth (methamphetamine) and heroin. That in itself has her up-in-arms.

I am not surprised by there only being meth or heroin. Look at this a minute. Adults are anxious about jobs, the US/Mexican border, caravans, China, Russia, etc. I'm finding that adults are turning to the "uppers"...or meth. This way they work more hours...or two jobs. More meth would be needed. Supply will always meet demand.

The kiddies watch all of this. And they're not stupid. They watch the parents make more money...and the price of gas climbs higher...Ohio's $.18 gas hike goes into effect when?? I think that's why the kiddies turn to the heroin. It's a downer. They don't have to feel the feeling of helplessness as they watch their parents keep working and nothing really changes...same bills...same arguments about the bills, etc. From what I've seen...more kiddies choose the downers...more overdoses are from heroin. And like some kind of crazy ride - the depression, anxiety and such keep coming like nausea.

I've always read books by how I respond to them. It can be the colors on the cover. It can be a word in the title. It can be the way the book sets on the shelf. It can be the author's name...King, Grisham, Poe, etc. I just read a book entitled "Butterflies Are Free" by Stephen Davis.

In this book, Stephen talks of quantum physics, metaphysics, all of the rays bouncing around our universe - which I'll bypass here and get to his most profound remark...a question, actually. Stephen likens this whole concept to that of the stages of a butterfly...larva, pupa (shedding unneeded things to become the butterfly that is able to fly) butterfly. He says in the cocoon is where you learn about you and what it takes to get you there...or being a butterfly.

To get out of the unhappiness in your life...depression, anxiety, and such...ask yourself,  "Who am I not?"  I've heard of this concept...just not  worded in this context. I've heard it in the job realm..."I would not want to be a ditch-digger...a mortician..a surgeon."  "I would not mind being a hairdresser, an accountant, a typist, etc."  "I would like to be an actress, a director, etc."

If you ask yourself this...and honestly answer are acknowledging negatives, of which you can rid yourself....if you wish. Ironically here, I've recently done this.

Throughout my life I've been asked, "Why can't you be like so-and-so?"  "Why can't you "blah, blah, blah?"  I've never answered. I may not have known the true answer. Recently.. I figured out the "why."  Because that is not who I am. In the not-so-distant past...I was told to stop writing these columns. I will not stop writing anytime soon. And...thanks to my Editor for giving me the chance to try this "column writing"...sink or swim.

Once you get the negatives out of the way - once you finally close the door to old hurts (and we ALL have those) - you are ready to choose a positive - or a few positives... upon which to build your new life..(The butterfly emerges!). Change is hard. Change is scary. But once you acknowledge "Who am I?"...which is the next question after "Who am I not?"...the door is open to "rearrange" your my case..."ala Mona."

And maybe this is the real meaning of the "4th of July." People came to the USA...before it was the live life their way...who they really were. These Unites States fought a few battles to keep that freedom...that right. The war between the North and the South taught us - or should have taught us...that we need each other. That we need to accept each other "as is" far as hair color, lifestyle, church, music, how many children you have...and by whom, what you weigh, how high/low your IQ is, and such. The North had the factories and not much in the way of textiles...cotton, etc. The South had the cotton...and not many factories. After much heartache, a few ports being blown up, and rising duties (taxes) to ship to and from Europe...we finally figured it all out...we need each other to survive!!

Happy Belated 4th of July, ya'll!!

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!!!     MONA

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