the bistro off broadway


The "Cliff"
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!!! Have you ever watched the old cartoons where a character ends up on the "edge" of a cliff? He stands at the edge of the cliff, his toes hanging over the edge gripping the outside edge, and his arms are windmilling to keep his balance? Or have you watched the scene where the cartoon character walks as far from the edge as he can get? Remember these - they are important.

The above are examples of a "physical edge." So - are there things like a "mental edge" "emotional edge"...or a "spiritual edge?"

In the case of a "mental cliff" - if you feel yourself being pushed to the edge of your standing on the edge of a "physical cliff"...with your toes hanging over the edge gripping the outer edge and your arms windmilling - to save your mental state - should you take a break from it all? Maybe you just unplug the phone and lock the door on your off time? Maybe you take this time to "get back in touch" with you?

Would this work the same way with the "emotional edge?" In this case - would mental stress or stimuli have an effect on your emotional state? Would your emotional state cause you to get to a "mental cliff?" Would the answers be the same for an "emotional cliff" as well as a "mental cliff?"

In a "spiritual cliff" - would you only lose your spirituality? Or would a spiritual upset have a negative impact on your mental and emotional state?

In a "mental" or "emotional" or "spiritual cliff" - to not fall over the edge you should move back from that edge - right? Would you "move back"  from the edge by watching your thoughts...noticing any patterns that lead you to that edge? If you do this and do not let yourself get "drawn in" - as it were - to the thoughts leading to the this the same as walking as far away from the edge as you can?

Have you ever noticed that when you get on a "path to the edge" - thoughts and memories seem to feed each other? And the longer they "feed" each other...the worse it gets...the worse you feel...and too many times you find yourself at "the cliff" - crying and thinking maybe the bottom isn't as far down as it looks?

And if all of these thoughts and memories are because of a loved one that is now on the other side: If the loved one could come back to sit with your for five minutes...what would they have to say about all of the "cliffs?"

Would they tell you that they miss you and all of the good times you shared?

Would they tell you they still love you but them being gone is how it has to be for now and you need to be strong?

Would they tell you that they don't want to be gone either?

Would they tell you that they are flattered that you miss them so much but you need to make the most of your life now?

Would they tell you that they are "rooting" for you - you just can not hear it with your ears?

Would they tell you that if you listen with your heart you will still hear them?

There are more readers than I thought going through this "cliff thing." I hope this helps.

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!!!     MONA

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