the bistro off broadway


A Deaconess and Two Women
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!!! WARNING: The following is pretty hard-hitting...and it is the truth. I mulled this all over before I submitted it.

Remember the teeter-totter (see-saw) at school? It was a plank of hard wood...maybe 2" thick...8" wide...and 14' long. It set over an iron bar (bolted in place but allowed the stress of weight on each end) that was cemented into the ground. There were handles at each end (bolted into the wood) and you put a leg on each side of the wood...sitting on the wood itself. If you had equal weight on each could actually balance this thing in the air - which left your feet dangling (if you were held your feet up off of the ground)...there were no footrests. This was on the little kiddies playground at school. Up and down you went using your feet to push you up when your side hit the ground. As always - someone figured out that if you slammed your end on the ground as is neared the ground...the other end would take the "shock"...or a "bump." This caused the other in the rise off of their seat an 1/8 of an inch...enough to be felt.  From progressed to "air bumps." These were done using the handle and jerking your side of the teeter-totter down and back up in a "quick hurry." Your feet had to be on the ground to do this. The person receiving the "air bump" had no feet on the ground and only a small handle to hold. Yes - kiddies got hurt doing this. Remember this - it's a useful application here.

An active deaconess of a church told me that a woman in a marriage should just let her husband  cheat - or whatever other activity the husband does that is distasteful...or outrightly the woman is doing her "wrong" thing, too.  WHAT?!!

The deaconess said her Mom was living in the past and constantly complaining about things that happened 40 years in the past. Her advice for all who do this is for them to stop doing it and live your own life - regardless of your marriage. Okay - I see the need to move on but...WHAT?!! to the idea of letting your husband cheat (or whatever "wrong") because "you're doing your wrong thing, too"  What if you're not doing anything "wrong?" And what about your marriage vows??

In the case of the cited woman - I know that story. In that marriage there was adultery on both sides. So - it became the "teeter-totter." He cheated - I'll cheat. He lied. I'll lie. He cheated with another (new) woman.  "What's good for the goose is good for the gander" - I'll get another (new) man. Up, down, up down it went...lie, cheat, run in the shadows, etc. They divorced, He died. Her next husband died. She's alone. Up, down, up down, air bump, ground bump.

I ask, "Why?" Why would someone keep reliving the past hurts? I introduced this subject to another woman and listened to her point of view  on this. She believes (and I agree) that there is unresolved guilt here...that she is at least "as guilty" as her first husband. There was never a "closed door" to all of this...never an admitting that she did her wrong, too.

I believe we all know right from wrong. We all known that  "What's good for the goose is good for the gander" really only looks good on paper or sounds good in the "heat of the moment."

I believe the guilt keeps her "revisiting" the past wrongs. I believe that as long as she does keeps her mind more at ease. I  believe - like in the original set of actions - if you keep repeating "He/She started it" - you've justified your actions...for a while.

That nasty-mouthed conscience (we all have it) keeps running it's mouth: "You know you did wrongly, too. You know it's not all his/her fault. You know you could have made another choice."

In the above-mentioned case - since the original husband is deceased - the only real option here might just be to admit to someone living that....she was not innocent.

And the moral to this story (that I see too many now encountering): Don't ride that teeter-totter!!

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!!!     MONA

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