the bistro off broadway


Along Life’s Way
Is History—History? A Fable
© 2019 Lois E. Wilson
The Editorial Board of the publication, “History Goes Forward” believes the past informs and inspires the present; history can change the destination of the next generation.
It met to select and honor people from the past that had influenced the future of the country in a positive manner. They always nominated two individuals for each of the categories: Arts, Education, Science, Military, Sports and Miscellaneous.
At the meeting to choose those for 2019, Fred in charge of the process vented his frustration, “I don’t know what to do this year. It has become an increasingly difficult chore to compile the list of candidates. In each category, I proposed a woman and a man for the honor. I thought that would please the women’s rights organizations.
“Somehow my preliminary list was leaked to the media who shared it with others in the six categories. They in turn shared it with different entities which have been contacting me with their detailed complaints.
“We are being threatened by the GRINCH as Dr. Seuss called the nemesis. I call them Groups Rewriting, Ignoring, Negating, or Changing History.
“No matter whom I proposed, they objected to them. For example, Annie Oakley and Daniel Boone are opposed by the anti-gun and anti-hunting groups, Thomas Edison and the Wright brothers by the green, anti-pollution and energy groups. It is completely bizarre and makes no sense. One group or another wanted every name on my list removed; therefore, I have no list for this year.”
Fred’s editor asked, “Do you have a solution?”
“I thought I had come up with an answer—such as have only one category. I believed if we nominated two fictional characters loved for decades by everyone, they could find no cause to oppose them.                                     
“I wrote each group I had heard from and proposed to honor Mickey and Minnie Mouse. The animal rights groups went berserk. They said that those two characters had been exploited for years to earn huge profits for human beings. So I suggest we abandon the project this year.”
Moral: Adlai Stevenson observed: “We can chart our future clearly and wisely only when we know the path which led to the present.” Fred warns: “History holds a treasure of people and events. Those who rewrite it, discount it, or deny it risk being left with nothing.”

senior scribes
County News Online

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