Mind, Body, Soul
Bye Bye Fat!!
By Mona Lease
Greetings, Gals!! I'm submitting the following to you. Consider it -
use it - or not. I've found that if you know you can do something - it
takes a load off of your mind. You know it's possible. And "possible"
gives hope. Keep reaching - Keep stretching! I gotta go, gals. I hear
iced tea and the patio calling my name.
100 Ultimate Weight Loss Tips for Summer 2019. Best Life - Sarah Crow - 5/16/2019
1)Eat more frequently. 3 Meals 2 Snacks.
2)Buy blue plates. Plates that contrast with food color help you
eat less.
3)Wear outfits that make you feel good about yourself.
4)Invest in smaller dishes. A "full plate" makes your mind think full
5)Swap popsicles for frozen red grapes.
6)Sip green tea.
7)Start your day with coffee - skip the sugar. Caffeine tends to
break up fat.
8)Swear while you work out. This tends to get the adrenaline going
which gives you power and strength.
9)Eat carbs later in the day.
10)Eat at the same time every day.
11)Opt for walking whenever possible.
12)Shorten your eating windows...don't eat as long.
13)Ditch the diet soda. It's associated with an increased waist and
abdominal fat.
14)Make more time for meditation.
15)Add ginger to your meals. Whole ginger, not processed, helps
end insulin resistance and obesity.
16)Eat more chocolate. It has to be dark chocolate.
17)Put on mood lighting for dinner. Lower lighting decreases
calories consumed.
18)Lighten up on the salt.
19)Eat more avocado.
20)Prioritize quality, not quantity.
21)Increase your water intake.
22)Stop sleeping in.
23)Look at pictures of food before you eat. Seeing the picture
makes you enjoy the food less.
24)Sleep in a cooler room. This increases metabolic activity.
25)Get some natural light.
26)Bypass the beer.
27)Spice up your food with chili peppers. The capsaicin..which
makes the heat in the chili peppers...helps you burn fat better.
28)Go to bed earlier.
29)Eat an apple before each meal. Red apples have the highest
vatrol...a fat burner.
30)Keep the apple peel intact. The ursolic acid helps you lose
31)Say some affirmations. This gives a positive behavioral
change. "I can do this" or "I got this."
32)Fill up on fibrous foods.
33)Add MCT oil to your morning coffee. MCT - Medium-chain tri-
glyceride is a fat burning enhancer.
34)Add whey protein to your meal plan.
35)Start every meal with a glass of water. This gets the digestion
started and you consume less food.
36)Get your house in order. Organization promotes healthier food
37)Eat dessert for breakfast.
38)Break up with white carbs.
39)Identify your motivation.
40)Reduce your total carb count.
41)Sip on some apple cider vinegar. Do a shot in the morning. This
burns fat.
42)Stop buying pre-prepared foods. These lead to obesity and belly
43)Always eat breakfast.
44)Add some yogurt to your meal plan. Make sure it's not loaded
with sugar or the little "crunchies" on the top or bottom.
45)And don't forget about eggs. Choose farm-fresh or free range.
46)Make wine your drink of choice. Moderation is the key.
47)Snack on grapefruit. This is said to reduce insulin-resistance.
Insulin-resistance is when the body does not use the insulin to
digest foods.
48)Enjoy full-fat dairy products. Again - moderation is the key.
49)Snack on some strawberries. They have an antioxidant
50)Cut up some watermelon. It fills you without the negative con-
51)Eat spuds sparingly.
52)Keep tempting foods out of sight.
53)Clench your muscles to avoid temptation.
54)Add some cloves to your cooking. These reduce body inflam-
mation and the risk of obesity.
55)Eat in front of a mirror. Like a "dining companion" this supports
you in your weight loss goals.
Above are the first 55 tips. They'll get you started and on your way.
If you want more tips, google 100 Ultimate Weight Loss Tips for
Summer 2019. Sarah Crowe wrote it for BestLife.
The best is yet to be!!!
""Sometimes all you need is for someone to just be there, even if they
can't solve your problems. Just knowing there is someone who cares can
make all the difference." - sun.gazing.com MONA