the bistro off broadway


Along Life’s Way
Donkey Film Awards
By Lois E. Wilson
Today many political figures see a camera and immediately rush toward it to get their views immortalized on TV or film. The time is probably not far off when there will be created award competitions for filmed appearances—much like the Oscars.
Therefore, what might the “Donkey Award” for best film be like? A film is only eligible this year if it is submitted by the “Out of Power Side” also known as “OOPS.” Here are five of the 2019 nominated films:
**I Remember Obama. This film is a nostalgic look back at the days when OOPS had control of the presidency. It omits mentioning the high numbers of food stamp recipients, the high unemployment and the struggling economy of those years. It focuses on the modern family which graced the White House.        
**Gone With the Win. The 2016 loss by OOPS is the subject of the film. It explores inaccurate pre-election poll predictions and foreign intervention in the election. It concludes because of actions like these, the election was stolen from OOPS.
**Four Catchwords of the Apocalypse. This film is an after-election documentary of the losing OOPS’ candidate and her rallying cry to sympathetic groups. Her challenge, shown in various scenes, is “Resist, Insist, Persist, Enlist.  The film does not determine if the future is RIPE for this OOPS’ candidate to run again.
**Lost in Place. The film studies and offers examples of how OOPS’ followers currently in office can take on the donkey’s attribute of stubbornness in all dealing with the current presidency, its appointees, and its goals for the future of the country. It gives examples of using OOPS’ people in different Federal departments and agencies to thwart the other party’s efforts at every turn by keeping it immersed in continual investigations. It gives a how-to, step-by-step scenario for achieving OOPS’ goal of impeachment of the President.
** In the Heat of the Fight. Unfortunately, this film does not answer the question of what would happen to our country and rule of law should OOPS’ fight for impeachment proceed? It examines only the fight itself—not the time, effort, and growing divide it would cause. It does not predict what needs of our country would remain ignored or if our country would become paralyzed.
While you film watchers cannot vote for one of these nominated films, you will have a vote in 2020 that might be the most important one in a long time. It could determine the future of many of our freedoms and the way we choose our leaders. Study the issues. Watch the TV appearances of the candidates, and most important—VOTE!

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