the bistro off broadway


A Priest and a Woman
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!!! Sorry there was no column last week. I had trouble with my left shoulder and back. I'm better.

According to a woman who spoke with me recently...forgiveness is deeper than saying "I'm sorry"...more than saying "I forgive you."...even if the forgiveness is only in your own heart. She shared her story with me.

She said that all her life she did and thought what her Mother wanted her to think and do. She said she had the desired number of children to please her Mother. Her Mother kept at her with "Don't take that class in school. They will laugh at you."  "Don't associate with that family, they're below us."  "Why did you give your child that's dumb."  "Why can't you act like Betty Rubble?" "Why do you talk like that?" "Why don't you live in this neighborhood?"  "Why do you drink that?"  "Why do you get involved in that?"  "Why do you associate with those people...they're too far above us?" "Why do you wear those clothes..they look like rags?"  Why?  Why?  Why?

The woman told me it never stopped...until recently...when she told her Mother it was her life to live...mistakes and all. Now - here's the interesting part.

The woman told me her Mother was pregnant with her when her parents got married.  She said snippets of long-ago conversations came back to her. The woman told me she realized that her Mother was probably never really sure about the marriage. Was the marriage for love or out of a sense of duty? She said she finally understood . All of the why, why, why...all of the hurtful words...all of the hurtful looks were in an effort to make the daughter look "worth  marrying the Mother."

This woman told me...that given these circumstances...she could truly forgive her Mother. Did any of it hurt? Yes. And there are scars...maybe on both sides.    Wow - just Wow!! And this is the fifth woman to tell me a story like this.

So - I guess to truly have to truly understand...both sides.

Sister Charlotte came out of the Vatican telling tales of drunkenness and cruelty.

Sister Charlotte told stories of her experience as a nun...a cloistered nun.

Sister Charlotte said it was "all about the Priest." Everyone needs to make "Father Confessor" look good.

Sister Charlotte said there was a statue of the Virgin Mary outside of the confessional. You were to pray to the Virgin Mary to help you make a good confession to Father Confessor. If he could use your confession in a sermon - you made the Priest look good.

Sister Charlotte told stories of Father Confessor (He takes your confession to God and he then determines your penance.) asking the Mother Superior for a young girl. The Mother Superior would tell Father Confessor which girl to get. It's an honor to make the Priest happy.

Sister Charlotte said she came home from school one day and the Priest was visiting her parents. Sister Charlotte told her parents she wanted to be a nun. The Priest was "on it"  and Sister Charlotte was signed up to enter the Convent. Her parents paid the money. The deal was sealed. The Priest looked good. He got credit for recruiting  Sister Charlotte.

In the Islamic religion - it's essentially the same. Allah is the god here. Around the world...people donate money to further the cause of Jihad...religious wars to "straighten out" those who do not recognize Allah.

It's an honor to marry a Jihadist. It is an honor to bear his children - to keep the bloodline of bravery going - to keep the Islamic army strong.

On February 15, 2019 - Pope Francis and Leading Imam sign a covenant in the Middle East. They want to establish a One-World Religion. (I personally think Pope Francis did this because he defrocked a few priests and fingers started pointing at him and his reported sexual escapades.). Leading Imam denies any ISIS member or involvement. You may find all of this on Wikipedia.

Color me curious here. So - Catholics have God. Islamics have Allah. Both sides have "representatives" who make decisions for their God. Both sides have "representatives" who want to be worshipped...revered...their "brownie points" recorded for man (and maybe their God) to see.

In this "One-World Religion"  - with two Gods...who is the lead God??

Will the Pope defer that position to the Islamists?

Will the Islamists step aside and worship God instead of Allah??

How will they decide who is "Top God?"

Will it go for a public vote?

We do live in an interesting time!!

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!!     MONA

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