the bistro off broadway


Do Not Be Dismayed
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!!! So - a girl I know - well I know her parents - overdosed not so long hence. The report is she was "Narcanned" 5 times. She's alive. But for those...however many minutes...from the time she was "unresponsive" ...until 911 was called...until help arrived...she was deceased.
How did this happen? Why did this happen? Who got the drugs? Who brought the drugs? Who paid for the drugs? Why did she turn to the drugs? For you no further.

Narcan is naloxone. Naloxone is in a nasal spray form or an injectable form. I'm going to say that since there's so much Hepatitis A, B, and C, AIDS/HIV - rescue personnel and police/sheriff personnel are going to opt for the nasal spray.

Each Narcan Nasal Spray contains a single 4 mg dose of naloxone hydrochloride in a 0.1 mg intranasal spray...along with preservatives and stabilizers. This is for use against a known or suspected opioid overdose. Narcan (naloxone) counteracts the life-threatening effects of an opioid overdose.

Naloxone has been administered after surgery to help people "wake-up" from the effects of the anesthesia.

After-Effects of Narcan (naloxone): Common and Severe Side Effects: Agitation, high or low blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias (unsteady heart beat), shortness of breath, pulmonary edema (swelling or fluid collection in the lungs), abnormal brain function, seizures, coma, and death.

After Effects of Narcan (Naloxone): Less Serious But Negative Side Effects: Dry cough, wheezing, headache, migraine, agitation, anxiety, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), confusion, and fainting.

Fentanyl is used to treat sudden cancer pain in people who are regularly taking moderate to large amounts of opioid pain medication. Fentanyl is in a class of drugs known as opioid analgesics. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain.

Fentanyl Side Effects: Mental/mood changes, severe stomach/abdominal pain, difficulty urinating, slow heartbeat, signs your adrenal glands are not working well, fainting, and slow/shallow breathing. (Heroin is being "cut" with Fentanyl...making Heroin at least half Heroin and half Fentanyl. This depends on the drug "dealer" and how much he/she is paying for the components. This may all be found on Wikipedia.)

Here's the thing. In most cases...parents have given the kiddies/young adults "everything they (the parents) didn't not have." Most kiddies have the "latest and greatest" of every new "gidget and gadget."

And it's never been easier to do this. We have credit cards and credit cards for the kiddies! There's Goodwill and their stores. There's Ebay, garage sales, and virtual garage sales on the internet. Most kiddies do not have to do any "chores." It's part of growing to adulthood. This is why there are no telephone booths. Most people have a cell phone and the phone booths were being destroyed. (Wonder why??). Most kiddies aged 10 and up (and some younger) have their own cell phone.

What would you expect a kiddie to do when everything is handed over to them and nothing is required of them in return...other than maybe a "thank-you?"

What would you expect a kiddie to do when most other kiddies are living the same life-style and their parents are working more hours to support their "standard of living?" Which, by the way, as I pen this...gas is $2.49 a gallon for regular. Do not be surprised when it is $3.49 by Memorial Day weekend...which is the unofficial kick-off to summer. 

And speaking of not being surprised...or dismayed. Most kiddies see the stress in their parents. Most kiddies can sense it. Most kiddies can "feel" it in the air. These kiddies all know the "work for the wealth"....and all that it can not worth it. But...they're kiddies. They would not know anything...would they? What would these kiddies say if the parents actually asked them if they wanted the "stuff" or time with them...the parents...not shared time with a TV...or computer...or cell/smart phone?

And what would you do...if you were a kiddie...with all the time on your hands and some girl/guy on the internet...or down the block...or across town...telling you, "You don't have to live like this. Come and see me. I can ease your pain...your loneliness...your anxiety. I understand you. I care."  HINT: Women (and men) 30...40 years old and older have fallen for this line. It happens when your guard is down and you are vulnerable.

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!!     MONA

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