the bistro off broadway


Along Life’s Way
Yes, You Are Creative!
By Lois E. Wilson
When teaching art classes, no matter the age of the students, I would often hear the excuse: “I can’t draw a straight line.” My response would be “That’s good because there are very few perfectly straight lines in nature.”
People are inclined to sell themselves short when it comes to their creativity which involves much more than the ability to draw. Creativity is defined as the ability to produce by imaginative skill or to bring into existence something new.
An attribute of creativity is thinking about events and things around you in a different way. Artists may not draw a jug as it appears. They may think: “If I were the liquid in that jug, how would I have felt or what would it have looked like as I was poured into the jug, slid down its inside surface into a pool at the bottom?” In this manner, a fresh, abstract painting may be born.
When planning meals, cooks may ponder: “How will the food taste and how will it look on the plate? Should I make a flower arrangement for the table?” They adjust the ingredients, seasoning, and decorations to fit their vision.
Creativity encompasses sensing a problem and focusing in on its solution. One can become so caught up in the process that the rest of the world is tuned out.
No matter the challenge—whether it’s writing, producing art, solving scientific theories, planning your home’s decorative scheme or garden theme—working on goals, people are being creative. They are learning to be fluent and flexible in approaches as they think of responses beyond the usual.
Failure may result, but in the creative process it may act as motivation to try a new track to the solution. It is a fresh look at an old problem.
You may have noticed that when one is truly immersed in the creative state, the raw materials being used are often in disarray. It may be because of the fierceness with which the problem is attacked. Bless the mess; it spawns success!
You will recall that you have faced challenges before, small and large, and solved them in new ways. In other words, you were creative. Add that word to your self-description. Exhale the old, inhale the new armed with the confidence that you are creative and can address any challenges which come.

senior scribes
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