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Coy is still King of the Hill
By George Starks

George Starks Photo - Lauren Coy lets one fly in the annual King of the Hill tournament Sunday at the Darke County Fair. Coy repeated as the winner of the event and has now won it five times.

GREENVILLE - While the Great Darke County Fair is known for some of the best harness horse races, tractor pulls and a great demolition derby, it also hosts horseshoe tournaments.

Sunday, St. Marys resident, Lauren Coy, won the annual event for the second consecutive year at the fair.

The 71 year old from Mercer County went 8-0 Sunday to claim the title.

“There are some great pitchers here,” Coy said. “I have won this event several times in the past (5) but it’s always great just coming to this fair. This really is a great fair.”

Coy started pitching in 1976 and took a break from the sport in 1998 before starting up again in 2006.

“I took a break from the sport because some started complaining that I was winning too much,” Coy said with a laugh. “The way I see it, if someone enters a tournament that I’ve never beat, that gives me a reason to want to go up against him. If I lose, so be it. If I beat him, then I’ve accomplished something.”

Coy has pitched against some of the best over the years.

“I’ve pitched in the Ringer Classic in Greenville and the World tournament,” Coy said. “Those guys are tough. I throw 88 to 90 percent ringers but some throw 90-95 percent ringers. Those are the guys that are outside of the gate laughing and having a good time, but when they walk through the gate, the fun is over. All they see is that post on the other end of the court. They are all business. I was never able to do that. If I had a big lead, or was getting my pants beat off me, I started thinking about what I was going to do when I got home. I couldn’t stay focused like those guys did.”

At the age of 71, Coy is going strong and said he will be back next year if his health allows it.

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