Friends of
Harmon Field Kickoff
Friday, September 25, 2015
“Friends of Harmon Field” would like to announce the kickoff of a
fundraising campaign to build a new Harmon Field Athletic
Complex. Friends of Harmon Field is a task force of loyal,
passionate Harmon Field supporters comprised of coaches, school
administrators, faculty, alumni, local businesses and industry, and
parents who want to recognize the past, honor Greenville traditions,
and reconstruct and modernize the Harmon Field Athletic Complex so that
it serves generations to come. We’re confident that, together we can
achieve our goal of making Greenville’s main sports facility a source
of pride and community spirit.
The new Harmon Field Athletic Complex will include: a new
multi-purpose playing field, synthetic turf football/soccer field
inside the main stadium, new stadium seating, new 8-lane track and
field facility, new locker rooms, restrooms and concessions,
energy-saving lighting fixtures, expanded parking, and Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant facilities.
The new athletic complex will be used by Greenville’s football, soccer,
track & field, band and physical education classes. The
community and other outside groups will be able to access the space
when scheduling permits.
This project, in its entirety, will cost in upwards of 5 million
dollars. Funding of the project will come from a collaborative effort
that includes private sector funding, Greenville City Schools,
individual donations, the Good Samaritan partnership funding, and
applicable grants. To reach our auspicious goal it will require a
combination of hard work, creativity, unique fundraising ideas, and the
commitment of the entire community. Together, it’s a goal that
can be reached. Along with the promise of additional jobs that
will come with a large construction project such as this, will be the
benefit to having a state-of-the-art facility that will attract
additional sporting and community events. The investment we make
now will pay dividends far into the future.
The entire project will be executed over a 3-4 year period, but certain
parts of the project will be staggered so that the complex can
immediately be put to use. The target date for the completion of
the 8-lane track and multi-purpose playing field is late 2016, followed
by the football/soccer stadium and fieldhouse construction which should
be completed in 2017-2018.
For more information please check out:
www.friensofharmonfield.com or on Facebook: Friends of Harmon Field or
Twitter @friendsofharmon or email @ friendsofharmonfield@gmail.com.
Go Green Wave!