the bistro off broadway

Alexis Abner Milestone
My apologies
By George Starks

Before I go any further, I would like to apologize to Arcanum senior, Alexis Abner.

Tuesday night in the Lady Trojans loss to Northwestern, Abner scored her 1,000th career point at Arcanum. Congrats Alexis.

If you are a follower of mine, you already know I will often give credit to any athlete when milestones are achieved.

In my game story, I never mentioned this for one reason. It came on a night when the Trojans lost in overtime to a team that wasn't close to the caliber of Arcanum. I couldn't see making light of something when it wasn't necessary at the time of the writing of the game story.

There are some writers out there that will turn this achievement into a huge story when it's secondary to what happened on the floor that night.

If the Trojans had won, I would've led with her milestone but such wasn't the case.

We live in a win or lose world and especially in sports, it’s all about winning and losing.

If all we ever see is the good, then what's the use in writing a story about a loss. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I should have just given the final score and wrote only about her big achievement.

I think one might say, "That's making a mountain out of a molehill."

No Alexis, I did not forget about what you did but I feel it wasn't imperative to shed light on it in a losing situation.

If it had been a 49-42 Arcanum victory, then I would have said something.

I guess I can't see a reason to celebrate after a loss.

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