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Morgan Kelch, 7th Grade, Versailles, and Tim Gade, Director, Gade Health Care Center
I am a Lucky Girl, by Morgan Kelch

Winner, Gade Health Care Writing Contest, How a Senior Citizen Impacted my Life

I am a Lucky Girl
By Morgan Kelch, 7th Grade
Versailles Exemplified Village Schools

I am a lucky girl. I have a great-grandma. Not just any great-grandma, mine is special. I know what you are thinking; everyone thinks that their grandma is special. Mine really is. Everything she does is for others.

One of the many things she does is make homemade applesauce, angel food cakes, and noodles to pass out to family and friends. When someone in the community passes away, she is happy to make an angel food cake for the grieving family. Recently she made 35 angel food cakes and donated them to the Right to Life when they had their annual garage sale. In addition to that, she made 30 cakes to sell at her own garage sale donating that money to the missions in Chili, South America. Her sister works as a missionary there and always appreciates any help that is given to them.

When she is not baking for others, she can be found in her basement sewing quilts for the veterans who have served our country and the babies that are in need at the Right to Life. All summer she spends hours at garage sales looking for pieces of material to use for her project and all winter long she works very hard putting them together.

This summer my little sister is entering the Miss Chick contest at the Versailles Poultry Days. She is very excited to be in the contest and to wear the dress that her great-grandmother made for her. I hope that she wins!

My brothers, sister, and I love to visit her. She is very kind and always has an interesting story for us. Sometimes she lets us go up to the attic and do some exploring. It is fun to look in boxes and in closets for old treasures. On our way down to the basement to help her put a puzzle together, we like to make a stop in the living room to sneak some candy from the candy dish.

My Great-Grandma has taught me that it is good to do things for others. I don’t see her do much for herself and would like her to know that people appreciate all that she does. I love her very much.

As I said before, and as you can see, I am a lucky girl.

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