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Happy Mother’s Day
 By Elizabeth Horner

At three years old, you coaxed me to sleep
Reading stories that became part of my dreams
“Cinderella”, “Mike and Tony Best Friends”
By five, I flipped through books on my own
I traveled the world from inside our home
Always disappointed when I came to “the end”
School started; kids’ eyes shined bright
Knowing this was the year we’d learn how to write
I loved each and every one of the letters I penned
My nine-year old self blushed with pleasure
Holding my first published poem like it was treasure
 Not knowing how far my newspaper career would extend
At fifteen, I had awards under my belt
I wasn’t just writing for myself
I had a message that I wanted to send
Now, a year before I am graduated
I see all of the stories I have created
And I know where my journey wends
But it is important as I progress with my art
To remember where my writing got its start
With you reading me fairy-tales before bed
Mom, thank you for my life’s stories….
Your daughter,
Elizabeth Horner

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