Teen Revival...
A Chosen Generation
By Kalista King
This week has been a very interesting and compelling week for me and
many others as we attended Ludlow Falls Church Camp in Troy, Ohio. Many
teens from the Darke County area came to this church camp to draw close
to God and experience Him in new ways.
Our theme for this week was “Overcome” as we talked about what it means
to be an overcomer for Christ and dove into the scriptures to find out
how to become one. We had a service in the morning that was
specifically for the youth where we mostly talked about being
overcomers in our faith and our journey with Christ. From the very
beginning, our speaker, Chad Seabright, told us that our generation is
special, and God is going to use us to do great things.
Now if you have read any of my past articles, you will see that I
strongly believe that our teenage generation is special, and for
whatever reason, God has chosen us to bring revival to the world. It
was so good to hear someone else tell us that this week and especially
someone like Chad, who has such faith in our generation.
From the start of camp to the very last day, we had breakthroughs,
revivals, commitments, recommitments, and salvations in many of the
teens’ lives. If you ask me, there’s nothing like seeing teenagers on
their knees worshipping and crying out to God, and we got to experience
that kind of an atmosphere for seven days.
The same week of our youth camp was also family camp where families
could rent cottages and stay at the campground all week, and there was
also a service in the evening which was for anyone who wanted to come.
The evening services were usually packed full of people as we all came
together to worship God and listen to the message that was presented
each night. It was great to unite with the adults and families of the
camp in the evening, and it was also nice to have our own special
services in the morning, but no matter whether it was in the morning or
in the evening, every service was powerful, and there was always a
number of people who responded to the alter calls that were given each
The adults told us at the end of the week that we teens added a great
amount of Spirit to the evening services through our worship and
attentiveness. There is no doubt that God was at work this week, and
there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that my generation is a chosen
generation. After this week, we teens are ready to take this revival to
the world and in everything we do, overcome by the blood of the Lamb
and the word of our testimony. Revelation 12:11