Teen Revival...
Starting a local
“Teens for Christ Ministry Team” in Darke County
By Kalista King
I am pleased to inform you about an incredible ministry opportunity for
teens which has been evolving over the past two years. If you recall my
second article about the Set Me Free skit, you’d remember me talking
about how powerful it is and how huge of a success it has become.
Thanks to God, we have had countless opportunities to perform this skit
in a variety of places, and are continually being asked to perform it
elsewhere. Because this skit has come so far, we believe that it cannot
just stop now. Therefore, our youth group leader, Marty McCabe, our
Youth for Christ leader, Lisa Martin, and I all got together to discuss
what to do next.
Now when I first met Lisa, it was after I had gone to see Lima Ohio’s
Teens for Christ Ministry Team perform at a church service that I
attended that Sunday. I was moved to tears by their performance as they
sang, did skits, and shared testimonies. After seeing this, I began
praying for God to bring something like that to my home town of
Greenville, Ohio.
Shortly after this experience, I met Lisa who helped get me involved
with Youth for Christ, which enhanced my dream of having a local
ministry team even more. After two years of praying for this and seeing
God move in many different schools throughout the Darke County area,
the moment has finally come for us to embark on this exciting journey
in starting an outreach team in Darke County.
Having been waiting for this moment, I cannot describe the joy I have
in being able to start up this ministry by the grace of God. We have
seen God work through the Set Me Free skit in many different ways, and
it’s clear that He has been faithful to our prayers in starting up an
outreach team that can travel to different places to share our love for
The Lord through music, skits, and testimonies.
We are planning on having auditions for the team simply because we want
to make sure that everyone who is on it will be serious, authentic, and
committed. Not all details have been determined yet, but we have a
pretty good idea on how this is going to look. We are still praying for
God to give us wisdom and clarity on what His plans are through this
outreach team, instead of our own preconceived ideas and expectations.
We believe that as long as we keep praying and seeking God’s will for
this ministry, it will continue to grow and become a huge success in
reaching and impacting others.
I would be happy to keep you posted on this, and let you know when
auditions are in case you or someone you know may want to try out or
even if you would like to pray for auditions to go well. We would
greatly appreciate your prayers concerning the outreach team and I
cannot wait to tell you how everything goes!