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The Students of The Corner Shack
Preparing 8th graders for the obstacle course of high school
By Kalista King

As the school year is winding down and coming to a close, we teens at The Corner Shack (see second article for more information on The Corner Shack) have decided to do one last event of the school year. We have many seniors who attend The Corner Shack on Wednesday nights who are graduating and moving on with their lives.
Though I’m sure many of them will continue coming to the youth group or will come back whenever they get a chance, we figured it’s time to recruit some 8th grade students who will be coming into high school next year.

Since the youth group has grown so much over this school year, our youth leader, Marty McCabe, has decided to continue having The Corner Shack throughout the summer. Because of this, we students who attend on Wednesday nights have volunteered to host an event called, “Jr High Initiation”, in order to get more students who are coming into high school next year involved in the youth group. This event calls for any 8th grader who wishes to get plugged into a youth group, meet some new people and build bonds with the upper classmen, or even just wants to try out this event and see how it goes.

Each high school student will be assigned to a Jr high student, and their duty is to help and encourage their 8th grader throughout an entire obstacle course which will be set up outside Marty’s house. Though this obstacle course may not be easy to complete, the finish line will consist of a numerous amount of leaders who will be cheering the 8th graders on and encouraging them to finish the course.

When they finish, we hope that they will feel a sense of accomplishment for completing the course and will enjoy the love and encouragement that we put forth into this event. Once each 8th grader has finished, we will gather together as a whole, and some of our seniors will be giving them encouraging talks and words of advice for their next four years of high school.

Our goal for this event is to get these students who are going into high school fired up to make a difference and be all God has designed them to be throughout their high school career. We hope and pray that when the going gets tough, they will remember this event and know that we are right by their side to support and help them through the obstacle course of life in high school.

We are really looking forward to this event and are very excited to see how it turns out. If you have or know any 8th graders who would like to take part in this event, we welcome any 8th grade student from anywhere, as long as they are willing to participate.

I want to stress the fact that it does NOT matter what church these 8th graders come from, go to, or even if they aren’t plugged into a church at all! This event is for ANY 8th grade student who wants to participate in the initiation. The address is, 6956 State Route 121, (McCabe’s Painting Service), in Greenville, Ohio, and the date is Wednesday, May 30th. It will be from 6:00-8:30 pm, though most of us stay and mingle around until 9:00.

Our passion is not to grow only EUM’s youth group, but rather plug students into any youth group, just as long as they have somewhere in which they are growing in their walks with Christ. We students from The Corner Shack are hosting this event simply because we have a passion for those who desire to have a body of Christ who support and encourage each other through life, and this is one of our ways to help them find that.

We will have many more events throughout the summer for students to participate in, many of which will be hosted through F2F (see first article for more information on F2F), but we wanted to get this last event in before summer takes off and leaves us with our busy schedules.

I will talk more about other events which are springing into effect this summer in my following articles, but I have a strong feeling that revival in the youth of Darke County will continue to spread throughout the area this summer as God prepares us for next school year.

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