Teen Revival
A Better Way to Trick
or Treat
By Kalista King
I would like to inform you today about an event called S.H.I.N.E. that
has evolved through EUM church. This event is taking place today at the
new EUM church building, (1451 Sater Street, Greenville, OH), from
4:00-7:00 PM.
S.H.I.N.E. is aimed toward a variety of ages. The typical ages of the
children who attend are about 3-8 years old, but there are usually a
few who are a bit older than that. S.H.I.N.E. stands for "Share His
Incredible News Everywhere," and this year's theme is, "Once Upon A
Time, A Walk Through Creation."
This event is meant to give kids a better way to trick or treat by
learning all about God and His creation of the world. There will be 13
stations for the kids to go to, and as they walk through each station,
the creation story will be shared as it is told in the Bible. Each
station will have a unique way of teaching about the creation process,
and after each story, the kids will be given a type of candy that
relates to the story told at that station.
This year, I get the pleasure of helping out by directing the last
station. At this station, the kids will learn about salvation and how
Jesus died on the cross for our sins.
I am very excited to teach these kids about our Savior, and remind them
that God is their creator, and no one loves them more than He does. If
you or someone you know has children who would like to attend this
event, please feel free to come anytime between 4:00 and 7:00 PM! We
all look forward to spending time with these kids and walking them
through the creation process as they learn and discover God's amazing
love for His creation.