Greenville First Fridays
The Rain Won't Slow Us Down
By Naiesha Thobe, Teen Scribe

This past Friday was this reporter's first chance to experience Broadway's "First Fridays". It was a remarkably interesting prospect, reading about fire breathers and belly dancers and magicians that were going to be wandering through our hometown. It was exciting and, thus, I appealed to my friends to get a group together and we'd all go hang out and watch the entertainment.

And then the rain. Oh, the rain. It left us wondering is this even happening now? In the end, we decided to go, anyway. Even if there hadn't been any entertainment, there was always The Coffee Pot and a cup of joe. Thankfully, the performances went on to an extent, so my group and I got a hot drink and entertainment.

Unfortunately, due to the rain, the fire breathers had been cancelled, but we first met the magician nearly as soon as we stepped onto Broadway. A hot drink, some carousing through the rain, and crowding into another shop later, we were able to experience the belly dancers.

For a lack of knowing where to turn from there, and partially because when we stepped back outside, it was pouring, we (meaning just me, and one of my friends) took off running down the street, re-enacting a part from our favorite television show, complete with yelling the quotes at each other, as we headed for refuge in another shop. In the end, we ended up following the belly dancers to see their full performance.

We wandered Broadway a bit more, stopped to watch the mime and the ukulele player, and managed to weave our way in and out of pictures being taken (although we were somewhat unsuccessful) to come to another dry refuge and the magician again.

This all being said and done, and due to our having stood under the awning of buildings for awhile when it rained, it was dark by the time we stepped out from our latest vacation in the magical world. It was starting to thunder and lightning, and generally more miserable, so our group departed from there.

All in all, it was clear that the rain couldn't hold Greenville down. We didn't stay long to listen, but there was the Dick Helman Trio band being hosted in The Coffee Pot, which drew in a lot of visitors just to begin with. Whether taking refuge inside shops to avoid rain, following performers around, standing under awnings and watching performances (or, in my case, running down the street and managing to spill my white chocolate steamer for the sake of absolutely goofy), September's "First Friday" turned out to be quite a fun evening, after all.

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