2021 Manure Science Review

From Taylor Dill, Darke County Extension


Ohio State Extension is hosting the Annual Manure Science Review at MVP Dairy on Tuesday August 10th, 2021, from 10 am to 3 pm. We are excited to be back in person with this event. MVP Dairy is in Celina and is a 4,500 head dairy with a state of the art 80 cow rotary milking parlor and manure recycling system. During the event you will have the opportunity to: tour the facilities, hear speakers from Wright State Lake Campus, USDA-ARS, and Ag Solutions, and watch many field demonstrations with solid and liquid manure applications as well as side-dressing growing crops with manure. The registration fee is $30 which includes lunch. Certified Crop Advisors, Ohio Certified Livestock Manager, ODA Fertilizer Recertification, and IN Office of State Chemist continuing education credits will be available! Please consider coming out for a day of learning and fun! If you would like to register, contact Taylor Dill at dill.138@osu.edu or call 937-569-5000.



Tuesday, August 10, 2021 from 10 am—3 pm

7124 US 33, Celina, Ohio

Join us for educational sessions, field demonstrations, and a tour of MVP Dairy,
including their 80-cow rotary milking parlor and manure handling system.

Cost: $30 per person, includes lunch

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