From Taylor Dill, Darke County Extension
Ohio State Extension is hosting the Annual Manure Science Review at MVP Dairy on Tuesday August 10th, 2021, from 10 am to 3 pm. We are excited to be back in person with this event. MVP Dairy is in Celina and is a 4,500 head dairy with a state of the art 80 cow rotary milking parlor and manure recycling system. During the event you will have the opportunity to: tour the facilities, hear speakers from Wright State Lake Campus, USDA-ARS, and Ag Solutions, and watch many field demonstrations with solid and liquid manure applications as well as side-dressing growing crops with manure. The registration fee is $30 which includes lunch. Certified Crop Advisors, Ohio Certified Livestock Manager, ODA Fertilizer Recertification, and IN Office of State Chemist continuing education credits will be available! Please consider coming out for a day of learning and fun! If you would like to register, contact Taylor Dill at dill.138@osu.edu or call 937-569-5000.
Tuesday, August 10, 2021 from 10 am—3 pm
7124 US 33, Celina, Ohio
Join us for educational sessions, field demonstrations, and a tour of MVP Dairy,
including their 80-cow rotary milking parlor and manure handling system.
Cost: $30 per person, includes lunch