From July 18 – 22, Darke County Junior High students will have the opportunity to explore the world of manufacturing and the wide variety of careers available locally. The day camp for Darke County 7th and 8th graders is coordinated by Darke County Economic Development. Campers will be presented with a real-world challenge and work in a team to develop a product or service to solve that challenge. In the afternoons, campers will tour local manufacturers to see the morning topics applied in the world of manufacturing. Campers can expect fun and interactive experiences, while meeting local professionals. Camp partners include Greenville City Schools & CTEC, Edison State Community College, JAFE Decorating, Fort Recovery Industries, Midmark Corporation, and Whirlpool Corporation.
Camp will be held daily from 9:00 – 3:00 in the Advanced Manufacturing Lab at Greenville High School. Registration fee is $40 per student, which includes lunch and snacks, all materials for camp, and camp t-shirt. Registration deadline is June 1st, however spaces are limited and students are encouraged to register early.
For more information or to register go to www.darkecounty.com or contact Darke County Economic Development at 937-548-3250.