COLUMBUS, OHIO – Yesterday the Ohio Department of Education released the 2022 Ohio School Report Cards. Spreadsheets with performance information for districts, schools, community schools, Career Technical Planning Districts and schools that receive the dropout recovery and prevention report card will be available on the Report Card Resources webpage.
Districts and schools will not receive overall ratings this year. The report cards will include five rated components and various report-only data. The five components will receive ratings from one to five stars. The 2022 Guide to Ohio School Report Cards provides an overview and explanation of these key components.
“The more we understand the needs of students through the Ohio School Report Card results and other data, the better we can personalize education, focus instruction and tailor enrichment programs to accelerate and enhance learning,” Interim Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Stephanie Siddens said. “Ohio’s education community, together with families, is working to improve achievement for students. Our charge is clear, and the work ahead remains more urgent than ever as we continue an emphasis on literacy and mathematics acceleration while providing supports and interventions to help students overcome obstacles to learning.”
The Department’s collective effort, Future Forward Ohio, encompasses the state’s strategic priorities for helping students recover from the impact of the pandemic. Ohio is investing in programs to support schools and educators by providing resources to assist districts in selecting high-quality instructional materials and creating more professional development opportunities for literacy instruction. In addition, programs with a direct impact on students include $89 million in funding to support high-quality after-school and summer programming facilitated by nonprofits and $20 million to support a tutoring program that draws upon higher education students in the state to provide tutoring to students in the K-12 system.
The Ohio School Report Cards are only part of the story. Ohio’s schools and districts have many points of pride to share, and the Department encourages communities, including parents, caregivers, business and philanthropy, to learn what’s happening in their local schools. Talking with parents and neighbors, browsing school and district websites or visiting schools and meeting educators can provide a more complete picture of students’ educational experiences.
Find the report cards and other data for all districts and schools, including community schools, on the Ohio School Report Cards webpage.