By Jim Surber P.E., P.S., Darke County Engineer
As always, this report shows all money received for the year, where it was spent, and what it maintained, constructed, purchased, or improved.
A notable accomplishment was the completion of a new 23,540 square foot truck storage building and attached 2800 sq. ft. office/employee facility. Construction began in October of 2020, with substantial completion in July, 2021. Funding was 100% from highway funds, and required $1,894,312.53 over two years. The facility is used for offices and storage of 24 dump trucks, while our former building, built in 1977-78, will continue to be used for repair and maintenance.
We were fortunate to receive $1,398,493.05 in state and federal grant funding for four projects in 2021, which had been up to five years in the making. An OPWC resurfacing project of 13.89 miles, a federal aid project to replace a 100 foot span bridge, federal aid for a pavement marking project, and funds for a sign upgrade project. The total cost of the four projects was $2,295,428.92, and the required County matching funds were $896,935.87 (39%). This was a large component in helping to preserve our cash balance in spite of building costs. The department continues to avoid debt and owns all equipment.
Our overhead costs increased for the year due to the rising prices of repair parts and fuel, and the past year was challenging; dealing with the ongoing pandemic, and watching as continual price increases erode the purchasing power of precious additional revenue we received from the increased Ohio fuel tax of 2019.
Spending for 2021 was $33,093.13 (0.5%) less than during 2020, and $344,788.75 (4.6%) less than the 2021 receipts.
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