Common Sense, Honor, and Righteousness Were the Big Losers in the Nov. 8, Mid Term Elections:

by Joe Facinoli | Joe’s Corner | 

While there were significant winners in Tuesday’s mid-term elections, and even some significantly surprising losers, on both sides of the political spectrum, the biggest “Losers” we saw, for all American citizens, and our country as a whole, didn’t have first and last names.  

And there were no party affiliations for these Losers, only “guilt by association”, for the loss of Principles, and Values, and other supposedly cherished concepts, rather than from verified vote counts.   But many of the actual “names” involved, of both winners and losers, became the very reasons for our largest Losses.    

Common Sense, always the largest loser in this era, as well as Morality, Honor, Righteousness, Decency, and Truth or the actual telling of it, or accepting it without fighting it, were all the Biggest Losers in the Tuesday Nov. 8 Mid-Term elections. 

Let’s think about a few things, using Common Sense, …for a change:    

How could a woman, who in a debate wanted to know why her opponent for the Governorship of New York, was so concerned with the rise in crime in NYC and Rochester, etc., all while denying that there was any increase, nor much crime at all, …win that race and retain her office??   Even though 25 people this year have been pushed in front of moving subway trains, in NYC?  

How could a man who has never had any kind of important job in his 53 year life (and being the mayor of a town of 1,300 for 12 years, doesn’t count), which could possibly ready him to be a U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, and who could never articulate his thoughts very well, BEFORE he had a debilitating stroke, which has left him almost speechless, and unable to understand nor respond to the simplest questions, …win that race, against a heart surgeon of renowned success??  

How could the current Governor of Michigan, who not only allowed riots to continue in her state two years ago, but actually encouraged them and promoted them, …retain her seat for more of this insanity, against a younger and far more competent (which is a very low bar) opponent??

How could a former U.S. President, who backed and gave his support to 217 winners in Tuesday night’s elections, and lost with only 16 candidates  (that’s a 93% winning percentage, oh btw), while raising over $350 Million total, for all his chosen candidates,  be considered one of the biggest losers of the night??

How could the leadership of the Republican party give so little support, or none, to many of the best new candidates running this year, and then complain that the electorate didn’t give them as big a “red wave” as they were expecting??

And how could believing that there should be no exceptions for any kind of abortion, have cost the Governorship of Pennsylvania to a man who sincerely thinks that murdering unborn babies, at any time, especially up to the time of birth, and was completely honest about his thoughts and beliefs??

Well, that’s all because the control over people, at whatever the human cost of that may be, is much more important to most politicians  today, especially those on the Left (but too many on the Right, as well), than any real and meaningful, everyday qualities of life, which seem to matter to the citizens in their states and districts, but are only an inconvenience to those supposed “leaders”.

It is disgusting, and sickening, to watch the goings on of these politicians, year after year, always exactly the same things.   And how the so called “4th Estate”, aka the media and journalists, who are supposed to be protecting us from this immoral, dishonorable, indecent, and nonsensical behavior, and the normal everyday practices which are allowed to pervade, and never be questioned.   Even as this God forsaken media, in reality, just enables, encourages, and rewards all of this negativity.  

So, one can judge the results of these elections, considered as one of the most important of all time, in any fashion one likes, but the brutal truth is that these contests really don’t matter much anymore.  

And that is because the common sense that should be attached to each and every issue, and candidate, as well as the simple and decent, moral thoughts and actions which we all hope for each time, each year, each election, are now all nonexistent factors.  

Elections now, are solely about keeping the control of the populations which are to be governed, so that the power of those kinds of “non-principles”, can be held at any cost.  

There is no compromise, no thought process, issue by issue, no putting things in place for the good of the majority, even if the minority doesn’t get everything it wants, but knows that next time it might, if all cooperate and think things through on each issue.  

No more “for the good of the people”, only for the good of the ones in control, and if that happens to also be good for the people below them, then lucky bonus, but if not, then oh well.  

The results and other parts of this election will be discussed for months, but in reality, none of that talk nor discussion will matter, if certain “leaders” aren’t removed, immediately, and certain practices aren’t fully eliminated, forever, and right now.  

Make America Great Again, …should not be just a political slogan, and particularly not for just one side.   It should be a way of life, striven for by both sides, by using Principles, not politics.  

But neither side, especially not the Left, seems to actually understand that concept, nor really wants to go anywhere near it.   

© Copyright Joe Facinoli, 11-12-2022

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