Commissioner’s Corner… Returning our tax dollars

March started out as most March’s do, a mixture of cold in the mornings and 50’s by the afternoon. Then, of course, the mandatory cold snap followed by 70 degree weather. I think March is schizophrenic!

Our office started March off on the right foot. Tax collections were very good, we have looked into many grant options and finally, the airport has started work on the new taxiway. March really sets up the year for us. We have many options come our way on government programs, and with all of the Covid-19 problems, the government can’t seem to stop coming up with new programs and grants. We may not agree with a lot of what they are producing, but as with most government programs, if they offer assistance we better take advantage of our tax dollars coming back to Darke County, if we don’t, the money goes to someone else. One thing you can be sure of is the Federal government will not save it for a rainy day!

Once again, we will be applying for C.H.I.P. (Community Home Improvement Program) and C.D.B.G.(Community Development Block Grant) money. These programs have really helped Darke County residents with their homes and communities with projects they wish to have done. If you want to learn more about these programs, contact our office (937-547-7370) and ask for Sally or Susan.

The airport taxiway construction has finally started and is moving along as best as possible with the weather. Underground tile work has been done, and the moving of dirt for the taxiway itself will begin once that work is done. The 3.2 million dollar safety improvement program will be a great asset to the county. This is just one of the projects that we have planned for the airport as long as the F.A.A. continues to see the progress we have made. We are working with our Airport consultants, CMT out of Columbus, to have future plans drawn up and ready to go if and when the F.A.A. lets go of funds for other projects. We are excited to work with them as they have been very gracious, along with O.D.O.T. Aviation, in providing us with funding to modernize our facilities.

We would like to clear up some confusion that may have been caused by our announcements of public sessions. The Commissioners office is open every day from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Commissioners are in the office on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Our being in the office means we are open for people to stop in and see what we are doing during those hours. Our public sessions are when we formally allow people to ask questions and share their concerns, which allows the press to cover what the public concerns are, but the public may stop in anytime and discuss with us their concerns as long as we are not in executive session, which is rare. So you may stop by anytime and say Hi or whatever you want. It is our job to listen and do the peoples work, and we hold to that. Our Public sessions are at 1:30 p.m. on Monday & Wednesday’s in the Commissioner’s office at 520 south Broadway in Greenville. Hope to see you there!

The Darke County Commissioners

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