DCCA presents seussified Christmas Carol in local schools

Darke County Center for the Arts will present Cincinnati Children’s Theatre’s Seussified Christmas Carol for kindergarten through third grade students in all local public schools during the week of December 5.  “Telling this beloved tale by Charles Dickens with wacky rhyming words in the style of Dr. Seuss makes the story more joyful,” explained DCCA Artistic Director David Warner.  “The students are going to have a lot of fun while seeing this celebration of the holiday classic,” he said.  

According to Mr. Warner, this whimsical reinvention of A Christmas Carol uses rhymed couplets to re-tell Dicken’s story of Scrooge in a manner that will keep the youngsters engaged and entertained while strengthening vocabulary skills and expanding imaginations. “New ways of retelling this story have kept it alive and well-loved for over 150 years,” he stated.  “DCCA is thrilled to be offering this version for the enjoyment and enlightenment of a new generation of youngsters during this holiday season,” Mr. Warner concluded.

 DCCA’s Arts in Education program annually presents artists who perform for students in all grades of every local school district. Sponsors for DCCA’s Arts In Education series are Park National Bank, Bach to Rock, Greenville Federal, Maid-Rite Sandwich Shoppe, Darke County Foundation, Edison State Community College, Jordan Insurance Agency, Gordon & DeSantis Orthodontics, Family Health, Greenville Rotary, the John R. and Miriam H. Knick Fund of the Darke County Foundation, Ami McClurkin Fund of the Darke County Foundation, the Ketrow Foundation, Lydia E. Schaurer Memorial Trust, and the Harry D. Stephens Memorial. The Ohio Arts Council helps fund this program with state tax dollars to encourage economic growth, educational excellence and cultural enrichment for all Ohioans.  These engagements are also supported by the schools and Darke County Endowment for the Arts, an organization working to keep the arts alive forever in our community; additionally, DCCA membership fees support all of the organization’s programming.

DCCA’s performance schedule for Arts In Education programs is arranged in cooperation with the schools; for more information, contact DCCA at 937-547-0908 or online at www.darkecountyarts.org

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