The Left’s Truth vs. the Actual Truth, …and Reality.

by Joe Facinoli | Joe’s Corner | 

Anyone with Common Sense, and any amount of quality to their character, knows what the Real Truth is, and how it’s Honesty can affect our lives in very positive ways, if we pay attention to it, and allow it to be used correctly.

Anyone who doesn’t recognize how the good use of Common Sense and Honesty can work positively for us, undoubtedly has a very weak or limited quality to their lives, or simply chooses to ignore the goodness and righteousness of this everyday sense and sensibility of humankind. 

The political Leftsiders of our world are among the latter description, and sadly, and much too often, unapologetically choose to be exactly that. 

The Lefty Cabal, through the Dem Party in the U.S. and their wholly controlled Media, will go to any length to avoid, ignore, and play with the Truth, in any fashion necessary to retain control over whatever groups of people available, and to obtain more of that, whenever and wherever they can.  

They have absolutely no conscience regarding their actions in doing this.

Some examples of how the Left repulses the Truth, to get their way: 

Election Results:   Any sane person knows that there were “abnormalities”, if not pure shenanigans being pulled and used to effect the results of the last two national elections.  

Proving that is difficult, up against all the obstacles put in place by the Dems, however, to have these concerns and objections be labeled as being from election “Deniers” is equally insane.

But that is the Left’s “Gaslighting” way, and with the complicit use of their Media, it seems to work, virtually every time.  

Covid 19 (or 20, or 37, or whatever number is needed next):   Any sane and honest person knows that this whole “Chinese Virus” thing was manufactured, for a real purpose.   And even if it was ultimately found to be an actual disease, unless one was already extremely sick, then it wasn’t going to kill them, nor make anyone feel any worse than the “regular”, seasonal flu.   

But the complexities of how it came about, both the real and manufactured ones, and the pressure from the Lefties in govt. and Big Medicine, plus the full Media, and then the immediate buying of it all by the unquestioning and basically ignorant American public, made it nearly impossible to do anything about all the foolishness and unnecessary sacrifice of all Americans, due to this well run hoax.  

The well organized and very intelligent (in their evil ways) Left had gained a large degree of ultimate control over the public, while the Republican leadership was just gullible and stupid.  

The Overrunning of the Southern Border by Illegals:    This may be the most disturbing and confusing issue of all.   Every single month, since Ice Cream Joey has been President, and the Lefty Cabal has been in charge, there have been somewhere between 150,000 to 250K illegal immigrants gaining easy access to the U.S.   Most of them merely walking across the defenseless southern borders of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California.  

Not only is nothing being done to stop this massive and dangerous migration, but these folks are actually being encouraged to come.    And are given all number of gifts, and privileges, as well as ridiculous amounts of money to stay here, most likely to be used later to change voting numbers in all U.S. states, in favor of the wicked Dems.  

Thank goodness for strong conservative Governors like Abbott of Texas, and DeSantis of Florida, and others, who are using their own state’s resources to combat some of this, but even that is far from enough.  

Energy, Oil, Gas (natural and gasoline), ….and Inflation:    The question of the day now, every day, is “How can we stop, or at least fix, the inflation problem in the U.S.?”    The answer is so simple, even one short sentence, but it’s never allowed to be asked, nor even pointed out, muchless ever answered. 

This problem has become much more far and wide than in its beginning, but the original issue could be solved simply by:   “Let the Oil and Gas and coal industries be what they are, and what they need to be.”    Every single difficulty now being linked to Inflation, can be traced to the shutdown of oil refineries and pipelines, as well as coal and gas drilling, and even fracking.   Period!    In fact,  Double Period !!

Trucks can’t deliver goods because the gasoline diesel fuel is more scarce, thus costing significantly more, if it is even available at all.    Hundreds of thousands of jobs in the Energy industry have been directly lost, before we even start counting the equal number, or more, of jobs lost from service companies to the energy field.  

Abortion:    This is the easiest to see, of all issues which are bent and destroyed by the Left.   With the Truth of which being the most ignored by them.    Abortion, from conception, is murder.   What else could it be?  

The brilliant and near saintly Dr. Ben Carson, of Johns Hopkins Hospital, and the peerless surgeon for unborn babies (those still in the womb), knows better than anyone on the planet that these fetuses are strictly human beings.   He asks:   “If these babies are not humans yet, then why and how are we harvesting organs from them?”  (for use in other “humans”, who are walking around. –my words)    Says it all, in one damn superb and glorious sentence. 

But the Left just completely ignores this incomparable knowledge and logic, and wants to perform birth control abortions even up to the time of delivery.   Absolute insanity, and completely devoid of even a single scintilla of Common Sense. 

All this could go on, of course, to dozens of other issues, topics, problems, and disasters, not the least of which are:   

–Schools, and what they teach, or don’t teach, our kids, and the twisted logic the Left uses to defend either or both.

–The Ukrainian War with Russia, and the realities of it, and the leadership of the Ukraine itself.   Nothing about this conflict is as it is being reported. 

–Russian Oil, and the hypocrisies of who’s buying it, or not, and at what price or conditions. 

–And the biggest nonsense of all, the January  6, 2021 events at the U.S. Capitol in D.C.     This was specifically NOT a riot, and apart from the tragic shooting death of an unarmed citizen by an over-reacting Capitol Hill policeman,  nothing of any consequence happened, besides that which was made up, by the Left and their Media.  

We all need to keep a firm grip on what is the Real and Actual Truth in all matters pertaining directly to our lives.   And always do all our own research on everything, and to always question it, even after seeing it for the 100th time, if that’s what it takes.  

Make America Great Again, is not only for one side.   And it needs to happen, …now.  

It all starts with Truth, Common Sense, and Honesty.   

And accept no substitutes, for any of these. 

©  Copyright  Joe Facinoli,  12-7-2022

Intelligent  Response  Encouraged.

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