Powell Testifies on the Save Women’s Sports Act

COLUMBUS – State Rep. Jena Powell (R-Arcanum) today provided sponsor testimony on the Save Women’s Sports Act, legislation that requires schools, state institutions of higher education, and private colleges to designate separate, single-sex sports teams.

“The Save Women’s Sports Act embraces fairness and enables women to be able to achieve their dreams in athletics in our state,” said Powell. “This legislation is crucial to preserving women’s rights, and the integrity of women’s and girls’ sports.”

During her testimony, Powell noted an example in Connecticut, where nine different girls used to hold the 15 women’s state championship titles. Those 15 titles are now all held by two different biological males.

“Biological males possess many physiological advantages over females, including greater lung capacity, larger hearts, higher red blood cell counts, stronger tendons and ligaments, greater muscle strength, and increased bone density,” added Powell. “Because of this, Title IX was a federal law enacted precisely for the purpose of ensuring equal opportunity for women and girls to compete in interscholastic sports.”

The measure, House Bill 61, also includes a number of provisions that provide protections for students, schools and colleges, as well as a dispute resolution process.

H.B. 61 awaits additional hearings in the House Primary and Secondary Education Committee.

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