New Bail Law Goes Into Effect

By Csaba Sukosd |

The procedure for setting bail for a person charged with a crime is now part of state law. 

The change is the result of State Issue 1, which voters passed in November 2022. The constitutional amendment includes factors a court must consider when deciding bail. Those considerations include public safety, the person’s criminal record, the likelihood the person will return to court, and any other factor the Ohio General Assembly requires. 

The General Assembly enacted a new statute to reflect those factors. The statute also incorporates the Supreme Court of Ohio’s bail rule, which was repealed, in response to Issue 1.  That rule – now in statute – instructs when a person can be released from jail before trial, the conditions of the release, and reconsideration of bail.   

Gov. Mike DeWine approved the legislation and signed it into law. It is effective immediately.

Source: Court News Ohio

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